#G070* - Have A Great Day JADE
What ever you may feel of media exploitation and public humiliation of the innocent as a form of entertainment.
Today is and must be Jade Goodie's day and good luck Jack Tweed many lesser men would have run away.
Jade has set a fantastic example for us all as she fights to her last breath for her children and their future.
Thank you to the medical teasm that is making this day possible for her and hope or pray whatever your belief that her day is pain free and she can find the strength to get through it.
The mean spiritted are seemingly too stupid and too self centred to understand howmany 10s, 100s, 1,000s maybe even 10s of 1,000s of lives she will save by raising the profile of simply having and following up on PAP smears and check ups.
I have had 3 or 4 and sometimes many more a year since 1998 and they have kept me alive - there is NOTHING macho about ignoring symptoms and there is no dignity in being a corpse to soon!
Just for a moment please remeber Jane Tomlinson who did so much to raise the profile of breast cancer - it would have been Jane's 44th. birthday yesterday.
Please remember Anthony Wilson who did so much to raise awareness of Kidney Cancer.
Also remember Caron Keating of Blue Peter who died so tragically.
I had the honour to speak in support of Jade last night on the radio with Caron's Mother Gloria Hunneyford and Mike Tomlinson, Jane's husband.
Perhaps in the midst of this we should remember that Max clifford who has been helping Jane as a friend to manage publicity and raise funds for her boys - Max lost his wife too young and has worked vigerously for cancer charities in recent years.
I have a VERY personal interest as my partner had the same disease 13 years ago at 33 caught JUST in time, but it came with a price! My cousin died at 54 with mRCC, my partner's Mother died of lung and brain cancer when only in her early 60s, my Father died of cancer after several years of fear from Prostate Cancer.
I know too many to list! Anyone who has cancer or is struggling to cope as a carer or bereaved is welcome to phone me if I can help in ANY way - I spoke at length with 2 who died last week and have 2 whom I chat to living locally at the moment.
My thanks to some great medical staff and my thanks to Chris Heaton - Harris MEP and David T.C. Davies MP, Steve Webb MP and many others who have gone that extra 9 yards for me and with me to get the relevant drugs and care for patients.
For more thoughts on Jade Goody CLICK HERE providing somewhat differing views!
Have a great day Jade in a dignified day your courage facing death has shown us all how to live.
Greg L-W.
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ReplyDeleteNot for the first time, I have seen many examples of how cowardly some people can be from behind a computer screen.
Unfortunately, I have read in recent days a large number of comments on various internet forums from people who think that Jade deserves the terrible suffering she is currently experiencing because of a few misplaced comments on a reality television programme several years ago.
All of us, whether we like it or not, are a product of our parents/guardians, and our education. Since Jade was brought up by selfish drug addicts (I accept her mother has made an effort to make up for past mistakes in recent times), and considering she had little proper education, is it any surprise she turned out to be ignorant?
Shilpa Shetty long ago forgave Jade for the inappropriate and racist comments she made when she lost her temper. If Shilpa can let it drop, so can everybody else. To those who still want to make an issue of it, I wonder if we were to film you 24 hours a day for several weeks, whether we’d find some pretty despicable comments from you when said in the heat of the moment?
Jade has handled her battle with dignity, courage and good humour, and I wish her every happiness for the time she has left. What other possible reason could she have for cashing in the way she has, other than to provide her children with opportunities she was so cruelly denied (namely a proper education).
All of us, without exception, will die in one of two ways. We will either die suddenly, in which case those left behind will suffer a terrible shock, or we will undergo a long, unpleasant illness. It is for this reason that all of us can in some way play our part in the fight against cancer. I don’t think I know anyone who hasn’t lost someone close to them from this terrible illness.
I echo the sentiments about other high-profile people who have played a valuable part in helping to make drugs available, or have attempted to make others aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer in the hope that it’ll save lives by early diagnosis.
I’d like to add Sir Bobby Robson to the list of names. He is currently battling cancer for the fifth time, and continues to be an inspiration to others.
He could have died long ago. In 1992, he was diagnosed with bowel cancer, the illness that claimed the life of Bobby Moore, the man who replaced him in the England team during the 1960s.
Three years later he was diagnosed with an extremely rare and deadly form of malignant melanoma after his wife, Elsie, forced him to see his doctor about an ongoing sinus problem. They came back to tell him he had a melanoma in his nose. He had no idea he had it. If Elsie hadn’t made him go to see the doctor he never would have known until it was too late. He was told he needed an operation urgently and if nothing was done he would be dead by the end of the football season.
In a complicated operation surgeons removed the tumour, leaving a hole in the roof of his mouth which he has to fill with a rubber plug.
In the publicity that followed his early battles, he received a large number of letters from men who had taken his advice and gone for scans because they were experiencing symptoms. There must be hundreds, if not thousands of men, both in Britain and on the continent (where he is also well-known) who are still very much alive more than 15 years later because they listened to him.
Sir Bobby would later benefit from early diagnosis himself. In May 2006 he had a tumour the size of a golf ball removed from his right lung after a routine X-ray of his ribs following a skiing accident picked up a shadow. Again, Sir Bobby had known nothing was wrong.
Three months later he was taken ill while watching a football match when he developed a violent twitch on his face. He felt well, but when he turned to Elsie he found he couldn’t speak. His initial thought was that he’d had a stroke. He was immediately taken to hospital, even though within ten minutes his speech had returned to normal and his twitching had stopped. He had X-Rays and a head scan and 20 minutes later was told he was suffering from a brain tumour.
The operation to remove a grape-sized tumour was successful, but he had a haemorrhage of the brain, similar to a stroke. It was assumed he would never walk again, but he made a remarkable recovery, and although his left arm was pretty much useless and he had a pronounced limp, he was still able to get out and about.
In February 2007, nodules were found in both his lungs. Unfortunately, these are inoperable. He’s had chemotherapy and radiotherapy to control the growths, but it’s now a matter of if, rather than when, he finally succumbs to the illness.
Undeterred, he set up The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, to support the new Early Cancer Trials Unit at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care. It’s a pity the government doesn’t consider funding such a scheme, considering the amount of frivolous rubbish it finds money for, but all credit to Sir Bobby for raising £1.2 million to help fund research into finding a cure for cancer.
Last week, which also included his 76th birthday, saw the official opening of The Sir Bobby Robson Cancer Trials Research Centre, based at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital, at which he made an inspiring speech that went on for 15 minutes.
Sir Bobby is an inspiration to us all. In this week’s column in The Mail On Sunday, he said he hopes to still be with us for the 2010 football World Cup. He’s defied doctors’ expectations so many times before, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he’s with us for a good while yet. His body may be frail, but evidently his mind is still razor sharp and his determination and spirit is as strong as ever.