Global Warming has become a new political religion behind which politicians and their lakeys can duplicitously hide their utter incompetence distracting the gullible with dire threats of imminent death.
NEVER forget the lessons we learned from Adolf Hitler, the corrupt politicians learned them well as methods of controlling the populace whom they are paid to SERVE whilst in fact their energies are largely consumed with keeping their own snouts in the trough!
NEVER forget the lessons we learned from Adolf Hitler, the corrupt politicians learned them well as methods of controlling the populace whom they are paid to SERVE whilst in fact their energies are largely consumed with keeping their own snouts in the trough!
Adolf Hitler said:
"Terrorism is the best political weapon
for nothing drives people harder
than a fear of sudden death."
Politicians preserve themselves AND pay themselves at the expense of the people - ensuring their reinstatement by appointing large numbers of praise singers who can not afford their own independence as they serve on over funded QUANGOs and in puffed up and stuffed Public departments.
Less Government is an anethma to the professional politician as ever job cut is a salary funded vote gone - hence over 37% of the working peoples of Britain are employed delivering very little for the cost from Government jobs and there are over 7,500 utterly unethical and imoral QUANGOs.
Now due to the UTTER incompetence of Politicians, who for once admit they are idiots 'We did not predict this economic downturn'! Well they must be the only people who didn't as the Bankers and professional gamblers of The City delusionally strutting around in grandure in their seried ranks of 'business boiler suits' stuffed their pockets, their faces and anything that moved!
Politicians world wide have only ever managed to tax their peoples by giving them a cause for fear. The calibre of politicians world wide is of such low calibre that they can barely keep pace with inventing causes for fear to hide their own follies!
You may substitute almost every major policy currently imposed/threatened by our politicians to read:
Politicians preserve themselves AND pay themselves at the expense of the people - ensuring their reinstatement by appointing large numbers of praise singers who can not afford their own independence as they serve on over funded QUANGOs and in puffed up and stuffed Public departments.
Less Government is an anethma to the professional politician as ever job cut is a salary funded vote gone - hence over 37% of the working peoples of Britain are employed delivering very little for the cost from Government jobs and there are over 7,500 utterly unethical and imoral QUANGOs.
Now due to the UTTER incompetence of Politicians, who for once admit they are idiots 'We did not predict this economic downturn'! Well they must be the only people who didn't as the Bankers and professional gamblers of The City delusionally strutting around in grandure in their seried ranks of 'business boiler suits' stuffed their pockets, their faces and anything that moved!
Politicians world wide have only ever managed to tax their peoples by giving them a cause for fear. The calibre of politicians world wide is of such low calibre that they can barely keep pace with inventing causes for fear to hide their own follies!
You may substitute almost every major policy currently imposed/threatened by our politicians to read:
"*********** is the best political weaponf
or nothing drives people harder
than a fear of sudden death."
To keep the pot boiling whilst they invent fears to control and tax us they have the stimulus of their thought police who excercise and practice the policies of the utterly corrupt as with The Frankfurt School, The Fabians, The BBC, Common Purpose and local government:
Political Correctness is the last refuge of the scoundrel, whether manipulating children in schools as a cover for incompetence in teaching or the indoctrination of The BBC and its Institutional bias and totally untrustworthy broadcasts.
Political Correctness is the last refuge of the scoundrel, whether manipulating children in schools as a cover for incompetence in teaching or the indoctrination of The BBC and its Institutional bias and totally untrustworthy broadcasts.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
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Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
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