The aim of this blog is to accrue information that may be of help to you & links to other sites I have found of help, including sites run or managed by friends and associates.
Do send me a message of anything you feel would help.
Regards, Greg L-W.

Thursday, 29 October 2009




in an attempt to understand the seeming determination of EUkip to destroy itself what with a series of deliberate decisions to confront and aggrivate the authorities when they had absolutely no case for a defence and having escalated a correctable error, when offered aid by The Electoral Commission, to escalate that to a debt of £3/4Million can only be seen as delibersta as surely, stupid as they are, they were advised of the dangers.

That said I note the front runner for leadership of EUkip is Malcolm Lord Pearson of Rannock aka Farage's fixer Malcolm Wood (since Malcolm Pearson is clearly out of touch with EUkip).

Entering >"Malcolm Pearson"+"anti Islam"< in google 1,060 results come up. As for >"Lord Pearson"+"anti Muslim"< 633 are shown enetering my name 7 & 4 present. Based upon name alone which presents 10 times as many results for Pearson as I one would have hoped he would have clocked up a mere 70 at most!

I incline to agree with Alan Wood when he says: "I do not approve of Lord Pearson's intended election strategy of making "the threat of radical Islam the major focus". This is the wrong approach to winning an election. It will automatically make UKIP candidates unelectable for its negative 'hate' message. Radical Christian Tony Blair, who went to war in Iraq on a lie and helped to kill thousands of innocent civilians, might be a better target. Let me make it clear that if Lord Pearson is elected as Party Leader I will leave the party after 13 years of service. He will lead us into the wilderness.
I was amused to see a post of mine from Feb. 2006 registered which was remarkably prescient some 3.1/2 years later in a flux situation.

 Old 11-02-2006, 02:59 AM
#13 (permalink)
Greg Lance-Watkins

Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: The Web Cam behind your screen - Smile
Posts: 838
Greg Lance-Watkins


this was predicted as the next move quite a while back.

At this moment Tiny Blur is positioning an army of other people's sons in Afghanistan effectively confronting Islam in Iran and Pakistan prepared for what may well be escalated to a nuclear confrontation to confirm the status of the US Dollar as the reserve currency of choice.

Intel is undecided at this moment whether a incident in EUrope or Israel would best suit their purposes.

Some 30 mullahs were briefed in mostly in Italy from whence we can trace about 12 who went shortly after the Haj INTO phpbb_the Middle East via Egypt with a selection of some anti Islamic cartoons, some from the batch published last September but with many more drawn and added.

Seemingly this was to incite the diaspora to prepare them for attack from America either direct or utilising Israel for a first strike.

Matthew I coucil caution not because I disagree with you but because it is never wise to swim in muddy water in the presence of crocodiles!

Such caution will serve you well - never confront an enemy if you do not know his strength, the ground on which you fight or the willingness of reserves to conjoin.

Choose your ground and know your enemy - this is one of the first forays of the third world war - beware and remember Sarajevo! Be minded that Israel has placed Hamas in the ascendancy!
EUkip; UKIP; Lord Pearson; Islam; Judaism; Zionism; Extremists; Moderates; Perversions;

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One is forced to wonder why someone who is in some other ways not unintelligent, might seemingly seek confrontation with Islam - a concept which is foolish in the extreme.

The huge majority of Muslims, not only in Britain and the West but in their own original Countries are if anything more frightened of extreme Islam than we could ever be. Just as decent Jews are disgusted by the behaviour of the Zionists particularly their bellicose manner in Palestine - which clearly risks war on an unprecedented scale yet decent folk are brow beaten into praise of their disgusting behaviour.

None are more intimidated by the mad Mullahs than decent Muslims nor of Zionism than decent Jews. It is worth remembering the obscene fanaticism of Zionist Jewry when rather than lose the Zionists marched their entire peoples off of the cliff at Massada and was not Solomon the first recorded suicide terrorist killing himself and 3,000 jews in the Temple - yet rather than reveile this disgusting act Zionists venerate him and his actions.

Be minded that Zionism has in place the David Plan for anihillation if they are not granted their evil wishes. Is it Malcolm Lord Pearson's aim to confront Zionism in defence of decent Jews both in Palestine and around the world or does he solely aim to antagonise the extremists of Islam to bring a reign of terror on decent Muslims.

We have seen the danger of overly pandering to Political Correctness and falling in the Frankfurt Schhols overt Communist trap - aided by our enemies in the hard left of politics with The Fabians, ANL, Common, Purpose, Critical Theory, Searchlight, control beyond authority, ALF, the moral majority, the Rowntree trust, UAF, and the entire metissage of our society seeking its destruction and the birth of Communism in a New World Order of Global Governance - so clearly aided by the scum of EU politics.

No wonder decent moderate Jews and Muslims - both largely Semites - fear the retribution of the west far less than the evil of their own extremists.

The over pandering to perversion in this Country is as we have seen all too starkly in Liverpool, in recent days, is leading to the bad old days of beating up homosexuals 'pandering' in public toilets - gay they are not but legal they are. The extremists of the Frankfurt School's construct 'Stonewall' will drive us back to those bad old days in their attempt to undermine and destroy the values of western civilisation.

That our SS and Family Courts have children's homes running over with children seeking homes yet they fail on all counts to effect their adoption we note that almost 50% of all under age prostitutes are in the care of the state and over 80% of all indiginous prisoners were at some stage in care as children - clearly the left wing state is catastrophic as a parent yet of the lower middle class decent parents from whom they seize children like Anthony & Debbie Syms and the Franklins in Plymouth (I can tell you no more about them as I am under an injunction so that what seems to be the criminality of Doctors, The Courts, The County and The SS can it seems be hidden by a corrupt cloak of secrecy).

Of the children seized under secrecy orders from loving caring families 96% are adopted as it seems they target attractive children! It is hard to meet the quota with children with a hunted look, incontinent from sodomy, covered in burns and with broken bones - such homes are also harder to deal with!

Just where is EUkip heading having forgotten, it seems, that it was actively promoted to get Britain OUT of the EU not as some childish inept political party to enrich a chosen few!

Malcolm Wood has clearly proved himself untrustworthy and duplicitous - not above outright dishonesty and betrayal of UKIP members, he is no leader for EUkip and clearly he has been provided by Farage to keep Pearson on as Farage's puppet - either that or as his brain cell!

A risk not beyond the stupidity of some in EUkip with their fear of race, religion, creed and colour and their allegiance with some of the most vile extremists in EU politics from the anti Jewish Greek contingent through racism, xenophobia and hunting out perverts with violent intent to all but their own!

I note when the statement of Pearson's stance on Islam was made in The Telegraph there was absolutely no sign of a convincing rebuttal in even the letters column.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

#G197* - Cultural Marxism & Climate Fascists Fear & Intimidation

#G197* - Cultural Marxism & Climate Fascists Fear & Intimidation

STOP & THINK are YOU as bright as this child or are you intimidated by the obvious lies of Warmist Fascism & Climate Nazis?

Governments are finding it hard to suppress the truth

But it was always the aim.
Follow the history from Marx in 1848
Das Capital of 1867
Then the KGB?Communist take over
of Frankfurt University Sociological Deparment
its rebadging as The Frankfurt School
re location to West Coast America In STONEWALL STREET

There is no better way to undermine and destroy a civilisation than by undermining its fundamental values.

The Frankfurt School chose Political Correctness & 'Critical Theory'
Common Purpose chose 'Beyond Authority'

I have listed a couple of video clips follow on and watch others as knowledge is power and you should know your enemy.
"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),
Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
############= ~ = ############
###########(`~0~0~') ###########
##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Sunday, 25 October 2009



The real climate change catastrophe

In a startling new book, Christopher Booker reveals how a handful of scientists, who have pushed flawed theories on global warming for decades, now threaten to take us back to the Dark Ages. He writes:
Next Thursday marks the first anniversary of one of the most remarkable events ever to take place in the House of Commons. For six hours MPs debated what was far and away the most expensive piece of legislation ever put before Parliament.

The Climate Change Bill laid down that, by 2050, the British people must cut their emissions of carbon dioxide by well over 80 per cent. Short of some unimaginable technological revolution, such a target could not possibly be achieved without shutting down almost the whole of our industrialised economy, changing our way of life out of recognition.

Even the Government had to concede that the expense of doing this – which it now admits will cost us £18 billion a year for the next 40 years – would be twice the value of its supposed benefits. Yet, astonishingly, although dozens of MPs queued up to speak in favour of the Bill, only two dared to question the need for it. It passed by 463 votes to just three.

One who voted against it was Peter Lilley who, just before the vote was taken, drew the Speaker’s attention to the fact that, outside the Palace of Westminster, snow was falling, the first October snow recorded in London for 74 years. As I observed at the time: “Who says that God hasn’t got a sense of humour?”

By any measure, the supposed menace of global warming – and the political response to it – has become one of the overwhelmingly urgent issues of our time. If one accepts the thesis that the planet faces a threat unprecedented in history, the implications are mind-boggling. But equally mind-boggling now are the implications of the price we are being asked to pay by our politicians to meet that threat. More than ever, it is a matter of the highest priority that we should know whether or not the assumptions on which the politicians base their proposals are founded on properly sound science.

This is why I have been regularly reporting on the issue in my column in The Sunday Telegraph, and this week I publish a book called The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the obsession with climate change turning out to be the most costly scientific delusion in history?.

There are already many books on this subject, but mine is rather different from the rest in that, for the first time, it tries to tell the whole tangled story of how the debate over the threat of climate change has evolved over the past 30 years, interweaving the science with the politicians’ response to it.

It is a story that has unfolded in three stages. The first began back in the Seventies when a number of scientists noticed that the world’s temperatures had been falling for 30 years, leading them to warn that we might be heading for a new ice age. Then, in the mid-Seventies, temperatures started to rise again, and by the mid-Eighties, a still fairly small number of scientists – including some of those who had been predicting a new ice age – began to warn that we were now facing the opposite problem: a world dangerously heating up, thanks to our pumping out CO₂ and all those greenhouse gases inseparable from modern civilisation.

In 1988, a handful of the scientists who passionately believed in this theory won authorisation from the UN to set up the body known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This was the year when the scare over global warming really exploded into the headlines, thanks above all to the carefully staged testimony given to a US Senate Committee by Dr James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), also already an advocate for the theory that CO₂ was causing potentially catastrophic warming.

The disaster-movie scenario that rising levels of CO₂ could lead to droughts, hurricanes, heatwaves and, above all, that melting of the polar ice caps, which would flood half the world’s major cities, struck a rich chord. The media loved it. The environmentalists loved it. More and more politicians, led by Al Gore in the United States, jumped on the bandwagon. But easily their most influential allies were the scientists running the new IPCC, led by a Swedish meteorologist Bert Bolin and Dr John Houghton, head of the UK Met Office.

The IPCC, through its series of weighty reports, was now to become the central player in the whole story. But rarely has the true nature of any international body been more widely misrepresented. It is commonly believed that the IPCC consists of “1,500 of the world’s top climate scientists”, charged with weighing all the scientific evidence for and against “human-induced climate change” in order to arrive at a “consensus”.

In fact, the IPCC was never intended to be anything of the kind. The vast majority of its contributors have never been climate scientists. Many are not scientists at all. And from the start, the purpose of the IPCC was not to test the theory, but to provide the most plausible case for promoting it. This was why the computer models it relied on as its chief source of evidence were all programmed to show that, as CO₂ levels continued to rise, so temperatures must inevitably follow.

One of the more startling features of the IPCC is just how few scientists have been centrally involved in guiding its findings. They have mainly been British and American, led for a long time by Dr Houghton (knighted in 1991) as chairman of its scientific working group, who in 1990 founded the Met Office’s Hadley Centre for research into climate change. The centre has continued to play a central role in selecting the IPCC’s contributors to this day, and along with the Climate Research Unit run by Professor Philip Jones at the University of East Anglia, controls HadCrut, one of the four official sources of global temperature data (another of the four, GIStemp, is run by the equally committed Dr Hansen and his British-born right-hand man, Dr Gavin Schmidt).

With remarkable speed, from the time of its first report in 1990, the IPCC and its computer models won over many of the world’s politicians, led by those of the European Union. In 1992, the UN staged its extraordinary Earth Summit in Rio, attended by 108 prime ministers and heads of state, which agreed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and this led in 1997 to the famous Kyoto Protocol, committing the world’s governments to specific targets for reducing CO₂.

Up to this point, the now officially accepted global-warming theory seemed only too plausible. Both CO₂ levels and world temperatures had continued to rise, exactly as the IPCC’s computer models predicted. We thus entered the second stage of the story, lasting from 1998 to 2006, when the theory seemed to be carrying everything before it.

The politicians, most notably in the EU, were now beginning to adopt every kind of measure to combat the supposed global-warming menace, from building tens of thousands of wind turbines to creating elaborate schemes for buying and selling the right to emit CO₂, the gas every plant in the world needs for life.

But however persuasive the case seemed to be, there were just beginning to be rather serious doubts about the methods being used to promote it. More and more questions were being asked about the IPCC’s unbalanced approach to evidence – most notably in its promotion of the so-called “hockey stick” graph, produced in time for its 2001 report by a hitherto obscure US scientist Dr Michael Mann, purporting to show how global temperatures had suddenly been shooting up to levels quite unprecedented in history.

One of the hockey stick’s biggest fans was Al Gore, who in 2006 made it the centrepiece of his Oscar-winning film, An Inconvenient Truth. But it then turned out that almost every single scientific claim in Gore’s film was either wildly exaggerated or wrong. The statistical methods used to create the hockey-stick graph were so devastatingly exposed by two Canadian statisticians, Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick (as was confirmed in 2006 by two expert panels commissioned by the US Congress) that the graph has become one of the most comprehensively discredited artefacts in the history of science.

The supporters of the hockey stick, highly influential in the IPCC, hit back. Proudly calling themselves “the Hockey Team”, their membership again reflects how small has been the number of closely linked scientists centrally driving the warming scare. They include Philip Jones, in charge of the HadCrut official temperature graph, and Gavin Schmidt, Hansen’s right-hand man at GISS –which itself came under fire for “adjusting” its temperature data to exaggerate the warming trend.

Then, in 2007, the story suddenly entered its third stage. In a way that had been wholly unpredicted by those IPCC computer models, global temperatures started to drop. Although CO2 levels continued to rise, after 25 years when temperatures had risen, the world’s climate was visibly starting to cool again.

More and more eminent scientists have been coming out of the woodwork to suggest that the IPCC, with its computer models, had got it all wrong. It isn’t CO₂ that has been driving the climate, the changes are natural, driven by the activity of the sun and changes in the currents of the world’s oceans.

The ice caps haven’t been melting as the alarmists and the models predicted they should. The Antarctic, containing nearly 90 per cent of all the ice in the world, has actually been cooling over the past 30 years, not warming. The polar bears are not drowning – there are four times more of them now than there were 40 years ago. In recent decades, the number of hurricanes and droughts have gone markedly down, not up.

As the world has already been through two of its coldest winters for decades, with all the signs that we may now be entering a third, the scientific case for CO₂ threatening the world with warming has been crumbling away on an astonishing scale.

Yet it is at just this point that the world’s politicians, led by Britain, the EU and now President Obama, are poised to impose on us far and away the most costly set of measures that any group of politicians has ever proposed in the history of the world – measures so destructive that even if only half of them were implemented, they would take us back to the dark ages.

We have “less than 50 days” to save the planet, declared Gordon Brown last week, in yet another desperate bid to save the successor to the Kyoto treaty, which is due to be agreed in Copenhagen in six weeks’ time. But no one has put the reality of the situation more succinctly than Prof Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy, one of the most distinguished climatologists in the world, who has done as much as anyone in the past 20 years to expose the emptiness of the IPCC’s claim that its reports represent a “consensus” of the views of “the world’s top climate scientists”.

In words quoted on the cover of my new book, Prof Lindzen wrote: “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly exaggerated computer predictions combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a rollback of the industrial age.”

Such is the truly extraordinary position in which we find ourselves.

Thanks to misreading the significance of a brief period of rising temperatures at the end of the 20th century, the Western world (but not India or China) is now contemplating measures that add up to the most expensive economic suicide note ever written.

How long will it be before sanity and sound science break in on what begins to look like one of the most bizarre collective delusions ever to grip the human race?

'The Real Global Warming Disaster’ by Christopher Booker (Continuum, £16.99) is available from Telegraph Books for £14.99 plus £1.25 postage and packing. To order, call 0844 871 1516 or go to books.telegraph.co.uk

To view the original article CLICK HERE

To purchase this book at Amazon CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


BOOKER; Christopher BOOKER; Climate Change; Global Warming; Climate Scam; Faux Science;




Well aware of the tedium some may suffer with an excess of my opinion on this blog many may enjoy someone elses 'take' on TheBNP's position subsequent to The BBC and its handling of the Question Time programme:


Peter Watson said:

No real argument with comments from Simon Muir - but the BBC made two
terrible mistakes.
1 - they stuffed the audience with 20-30 something uneducated Metrosexual
multi culti mornons and a token 1/2 dozen BNPlite supporters
2- they treated him abominably

& IN RESPONSE:I absolutely agree. Had it been me producing, I would have laid my trap
far more carefully!

The right answer to Griffin is to put him up against real intellectuals
(although I'm certain Straw was thrown to the BBC by Labour as a
nominee: they didn't choose him).

Griffin is evidently not that bright, but arrogant, and rarely exposed
as he's rarely in debate with intellectual equals (heck, he's rarely if
ever in real debate!). When he's faced down by people able to challenge
him, his weaknesses and duplicity become obvious very quickly.

Had the BBC been cleverer, the BNP would have been really damaged.

>the effect has been to increase the support for the BNP

That is largely Cameron's fault. The Cameroon party (so named because
they should emigrate and stay there!) has left the British voters with
no serious conservative alternative, as Sean Gabb so eloquently pointed
out earlier in the week. The Faragistas are a policy-free zone of
corrupt dilettantes, so that doesn't leave anywhere meaningful for a
non-socialist Brit to place his electoral cross.

It didn't have to be this way. The biggest political disaster of the
last two decades was not the EU, nor the rise of New Labour, nor even
the surgical dismemberment of the UK by Bliar. It was the take-over of
the Conservative party by Fabians, corporatists and socialists.

> = BUT answer this
>Why was Griffin so badly prepared to respond to what was clearly going to =
>a bear pit? How could Griffin NOT state what Straw said about England?
>How could Griffin in reply to a question on his holocaust denial
>answer "I don't know why I believed those things"?

Because he is not just a racist but a coward too?

I won't defend Dimbleby, except in one particular: when Griffin was
attempting to actually deny things captured on video, I think he and the
other panellists were caught off-guard. Dimbleby is well used to
politicians saying 'I didn't mean that!' but to hear an immediate flat
denial of things on tape caught him off-guard, and indicates an almost
clinical problem in Griffin.

It was a disturbing insight, and I think both Straw and Dimbleby had
prepared for a better intellect than was actually exposed.

>Straw showed his roots, Jacob Stravinsky once a communist rioter
>who broke the medieval stained glass windows in Cambridge.,,,, and
>not an Englishman by any measure - and he wants no control on
>immigration at all. HE gained more votes for the BNP than Nick Griffin los=

Absolutely so. Like Hain, and numerous others, ageing communist sleepers

Darzi did the Tories no good whatsoever, either. If Cameroon had any
sense he'd get her off the front bench tomorrow morning (how did she get
into the Lords in the first place?). But again, that's not the point...

>and no I will not vote BNP because it is a SOCIALIST PARTY! let alone
>an embryonic nightmare.

It's really the British Nazi Party.

Read "Hitler's Beneficiaries" by Göetz Aly, which is all about the
communist elements of Nazism, from a mainly economic perspective. They
made it work for almost 15 years, but the price was the destruction of
the European economies for almost 30 years afterwards and however many
millions that were killed in the actual fighting, the suppression of
occupied populations, the Holocaust, and the famines that were the
consequence of Nazi 'economics' even after the war itself ended.

The BNP, if you dig deep enough, would do the whole lot over again.
Their ethnic cleansing, were it ever to take place here, would be
gleefully extended to the continent, as they joined forces with their
'brethren' in Germany and elsewhere.

They may be utter filth at the core (with the same demonic ability the
Mosleyite Nazis had to 'speak for us', specifically the white British
working class), but I'm afraid my real anger is reserved for global-
governance Tory grandees like Hezza, Clarke, Hurd and cohort. It is they
who have created the clammy corner in which the BNP has taken root, and
they are responsible for it's success, far more so than Griffin.

A chilling example occurred en passant on that very same Question Time.
All of the panellists who spoke on the topic rounded on Enoch Powell,
denouncing him as a racist of the most vile kind, and not even Dimbleby
(who like Straw and others must have known him) was prepared to put the
record straight.

Powell was a very good man, by any measure I can apply. I've read and
listened to his speeches, including the 'rivers of blood' one, and if
you actually listen, he is erudite, cautious and caring of all, and most
definitely NOT racist in any meaningful sense of the word. He
understood, deeply and intellectually, culture, and what happens when
you impose change and destroy communities by what is essentially
invasion. He foresaw the rise of today's BNP and it was AGAINST such a
malign force he was attempting to persuade both the public and the Tory

I think his mistake was that he trusted the Tory leaders to be open to
argument, and to behave honestly and truthfully (lies were anathema to
Powell). I think he genuinely couldn't understand Heath in an English
context, deviant, devious and dishonest as he was, since he had
previously encountered such people wearing Nazi uniforms.

Yet, despite a passing reference to his government service, the
consensus was that he was both evil and wrong. To a Christian, the
calling of right 'wrong' is demonic!

My main observation from this however is that again there was exposed
the chilling truth: the establishment, as it exists today in this
country, has no more interest in truth, British culture and preservation
of our national identity, than might Goebbels' Nazi propaganda machine.

It is our destruction that is the PURPOSE of the likes of Clarke, Hurd,
Hezza, Duncan, Mandelsohn, Straw, Steel, Bliar, etc., not a by-product,
nor some massive flaw in otherwise acceptable policy. In exchange they,
or their chosen nominees and children, get to enter the ranks of the new
global elite, to live as our overlords, lives cushioned from both the
tribulations and the accountability that the rest of us have to deal

The BNP SUITS THEIR PURPOSES in that its racism and extremism (and soon,
its violence!) will provide the pretext to complete the suppression of
the indigenous British population, paving the way for the global elite
governance we know is already in preparation.

For a short while Griffin et al might still be dealt with by strong
bleach, some scrubing, and a good rinse down afterwards.

The absence of a true conservative alternative, however, is a different
matter. THAT will spell the end of our nation, and it is that for which
the Tories are ENTIRELY responsible. And they should be despised and
outcast because of it, ESPECIALLY those in the lower and middle ranks of
the party who have permitted this state of affairs to arise in exchange
for short term tactical benefit. All women shortlists: neat,
unadulterated Fabianism! They have been sowing dragons' teeth for forty
years: now they will pay.

On reflection, I come away from Thursday night reviling Cameron's
backers and minders even more than the BNP.


Simon Muir

Simon Muir has now resigned from EUkip in some disgust having been the Branch Chairman and Organiser for Bristol and organiser of what seems to have been the last successfull UKIP Conference held at The Colston Hall in 2004 under the Chairmanship of Petrina Holdsworth and aided by Peter Baker.

I hope you enjoy his occasional articles on this Blog as I do - they are always thought provoking.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper



Queen fury at BNP
Outrage at Nick Griffin Churchill hijacking

By Robert Jobson, 25/10/2009

THE QUEEN has declared WAR on the BNP.

She's furious at the party for using Winston Churchill to promote its racist image and has ORDERED all the royals to join forces with her to unite Britain against hated BNP leader Nick Griffin. A senior royal aide told us: "The Queen thinks it is a disgrace that the name of such a courageous leader in our hour of need has been hijacked in this way.

"She believes it is important the royal family redoubles its efforts to stem the tide of this division. It is unhealthy and not British."

The Queen erupted when the BNP were allowed to use Churchill's image - including archive footage from World War II - in a party election broadcast.

Her anger was further fuelled when Griffin quoted the wartime leader's famous "blood, toil, tears and sweat" in his party's manifesto.

And the last straw came during his controversial appearance on Question Time last week when he claimed Churchill hated Muslims and would have been a BNP member.

BNP leader's performance on Question Time is treated to a Cassetteboy re-mix
The high-ranking courtier said: "Her Majesty is a symbol of what is good about our nation.

"We are a country that has always prided itself on the tolerance and common sense of its people. She is and always will be above party politics. But she is appalled that Churchill's name should be used to spread division."

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said he could not comment on private conversations of the Queen and members of the royal family.

But yesterday Prince Charles' former Press Secretary Colleen Harris - the only black person to become a member of the Royal Household - backed Her Majesty's decision. She said: "I am not surprised the Queen is taking such a clear stance. One of the royal family's key roles is to put the united back into the United Kingdom. The Queen has been performing that unifying role impeccably for years, always rising above issues of colour, religion and race. She is absolutely right to galvanise every member of the royal family to play their part in uniting the country at this time."

The Queen has always held the deepest respect for her old friend Churchill. He was her first Prime Minister when he returned to office for a second term in 1951.

After he died in 1965 she decreed that he should have a state funeral - the first for a non-royal family member since 1914.

When she opened the Cabinet War Rooms museum in his honour in 2005 she said: "It was the unique quality of his leadership that so inspired the British nation and free peoples throughout the world, as well as those suffering under Nazi occupation. That quality continues to inspire us today and should forever do so."

To view the original article CLICK HERE

In response to the NotW today:


I am particularly pleased to see the oxygen of publicity and the light of day shone on TheBNP as being creatures of the shadows and the cowards of the night they will wither and die - they will be preserved and strengthened by fielding useless articles like the communist styled corrupt Jack Straw and a baying orchestrated BBC mob.

Or permitting the vile Peter Hain to try to rehabilitate himself at the expense of the BBC and the populist claque.

Bonnie Greers reasoned, hand of comfort patronising the 'naughty child' struck more of a blow on Griffin and his vile followers than that whole day had done. Her quiet dignity and intellectual confidence with no need whatsoever to play the all too common black racist chip on the shoulder.

Yes in The River Wars written as a young man in the 1800s Winston Spencer Churchill wrote in a patronising and arrogant way of the Muselmen - what he said was not entirely wrong but out of the context of history how he said it most certainly was.

It was a time when Cheteswayo was proud to be a Kaffir yet now that proud King's descendent Gatcha Buttelesi would be rightly angry at such a title just as the French negre being no more than the French for black has morphed.

Language lives and for much longer than us imagine what Beau Brummel would have made of being considered 'gay' in todays language, though Beckford may have welcomed it!

Griffin is little more than a pathetic figure as he tries to get his vile party to morph from the extreme hatreds of Tyndall to a better hidden racial hatred which EUkip strives to avoid as it targets 'immigrants' and Islam with the fear of a potentially shared electoral support as EUkip teams up with Griffin's more extreme bretheren in continental Politics.

One must feel sorry for the challenged who vote BNP in fear and also in ignorance of just how vile are the party roots and links. I feel sure Her Majesty would emote:
'We are not reassured that the griffin's friend Mr. Duke incited and attended the lynching but did not tie the knot! Do we know his Father or was he enobled by that Chump Blair?'

Griffin's message has on its surface much to appeal to the ignorant but to see the BBC orchestrating a baying braying pack I incline to support TheBNP as they are so much more readily destroyed by calm reasoned exposure of their utter invalidity on every count.

That Jack Straw's father was inprisoned for his refusal to defend this Country & Straw refused to join the CCF at school in Brentwood School in a pretence to pacifisim, yet with Tariq Ali incited all but a riot in Cambridge escaping only with the help of a fellow communist the strange Australian student Ms. Patricia Hewitt prior to disruption of an organised trip seemingly in a Communist Military coup in Chile!

Later a protege of the Communist MEP Barbara Castle.

Someone less tarnished, as shown in Straw's biography, may well have fared better in the eviceration of Griffin as with Ms. Greer.

Hysteria will merely strengthen Griffin's hand - let us have reasoned debate and some more responsible representation of the people by the two main parties. We do need control of our borders and of our population in both immigration and emmigration.

To prevent break down of our society even perhaps to the extent of Civil war or at best race riots we MUST redeem control over our own borders from The EU as a start towards mature self governance as a free Country not merely a vassal state used by our many neighbours as a milch cow and dumping ground.

The BNP will soon wither with reason but the damage done to Britain by Jack Straw and his colleagues since 1997 may take a little longer to fix but I rest my contention on the next move from Her majesty!

Greg L-W.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Friday, 23 October 2009

#G197* - The BBC ALMOST Totally Betrays US - IT'S OWNERS!

#G197* - The BBC ALMOST Totally Betrays US - IT'S OWNERS!


I have no doubt who were the winners and losers in the Broadcasting of The BBC's TV flagship political programme 'Question Time' and the involvement of Nick Griffin of The BNP.

Here are the winners and losers in order starting with the greatest losers:

01. 'e pluribus unum'
02. Pieter Hayne
03. Dimbleby
04. Jack Straw
05. The BBC
06. The claque
07. Chris Huhne
08. Said Warsi
09. Bonnie Greer
10. The BNP

01. 'e pluribus unum':
Clearly we are the losers - we now have as an example of attrocious TV on a parr with The Gilbert Harding interview.Just think, the BBC taxes us for their 'service'!

02. Pieter Haiyne:
Peter Hain's strident fascist self promoting determination to rehabilitate himself at the expense of The BBC showed him for what he is - a vile man without integrity, morality or common sense - so very Terre Blanche!

03. Dimbleby:
Even down to the gutter level of taunting Griffin for his nervous laughter. An obscene and crass performance on ALL levels very typical Dimbleby but more noticeable than normal - I doubt anyone was surprised!

04. Jack Straw:
Came across as a doddering eldely inadequate caught shop lifting - this is the man who abused his roll as Home Secretary to protect his brother from prosecution for the sexual abuse of his own son and assault of his daughter! This is also not just one of the communist members of Tony Blair's cabinet that approved the lies but also lied to Colin Powell & The UN to participate in the war crimes and murders in Iraq!
If The BBC gives air time to this revolting man, who has so betrayed Britain and abused his office, then clearly the largely irrelevant BNP could be justified each week!

05. The BBC:
The BBC spent days trying to talk up the controversy to create a fairly half baked demonstration; yet they still selected an audience clearly designed to act like a pack of playground bullies - a disgustingly orchestrated and utterly demeaning exhibition.

06. The claque:
Soooo predictable - you can ALWAYS line up a pack to behave badly - just look at football hooligans! How sad. These are the very basest instincts that are pandered to by any lynch mob EVEN The KKK!

07. Chris Huhne:
My word - to think he was so nearly leader of the LibDims. A sound but uninspiring collation of platitudes.

08. Sayid Warsi:
A good choice by the Tories - a good performance but clearly unaware that her look when not speaking matters.
Her political eviceration of Jack Straw was excellent I was sorry to see her run away from trying to defend Islam from Griffin's undeniable facts.
She WAS good relative to ALL others.
She WILL be excellent in time!

09. Bonnie Greer:
Bonnie Greer was a safe pair of hands - didn't put a foot wrong added humour and was without doubt THE most damaging to Griffin in the way that whilst all others were a baying mob she held out a hand of reason to Griffin and destroyed him with her academic and forensic discourse and patronising educational manner, used to such effect, to the naughty boy in the playground.
A masterfull use of her colour maturely used without the all too normal chip on the shoulder coloured racism.

10. The BNP:
The BNP were the winners as they will get the sympathy vote as a result of this shameful display, which showed Griffin to be shifty, intellectually challenged, untrustworthy & it is good to be reassured that his chum in The KKK may well have incited and attended the lynching but he didn't tie the knot!

I deeply regret that the crass management & shamefull handling by the BBC the utter inadequacy of Jack Straw, though I commend his attempt, the strident Hain granted the vile and shifty Griffin such a victory for The BNP.

8M viewers:
300,000 extra votes for The BNP
175,000 from Labour
50,000 from Lib.Dims.
50,000 from EUkip
25,000 from Tories.

Greg L-W.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


* The picture of Griffin is with White Supremacist MSU's leader Kyle Bristow in America, where white-nationalists at Stormfront and other racist and neo-Nazi groups look to Griffin as one of their senior brothers.

Monday, 19 October 2009



On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton gave a presentation at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. In this 4 minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.

A draft of the petition can be read here: CLICK HERE

Page 18: Section 38 of the "Share vision for long-term cooperation action plan" contains the text for forming the new government.

Page 40: Section 46 Subsection H of the "Objectives, scope, and guiding principles" contains the text for enforcement and establishment of the rule of law.

There has been considerable debate raised about Monckton's conclusion that the Copenhagen Treaty would cede US sovereignty.

His comments appear to be based upon his interpretation of the The Supremacy Clause in the US Constitution (Article VI, paragraph 2).

This clause establishes the Constitution, Federal Statutes, and U.S. TREATIES as the supreme law of the land. Concerns have been raised in the past that a particularly ambitious treaty may supersede the US Constitution.

In the 1950s, a constitutional amendment, known as the Bricker Amendment, was proposed in response to such fears, but it failed to pass.

You can read more about the Bricker Amendment in a 1953 Time Magazine article:

Lord Monckton served as a policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher.

He has repeatedly challenged Al Gore to a debate to which Gore has refused.

Monckton sued to stop Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" from being shown in British schools due to its inaccuracies.

The judge found in-favor of Monckton, ordering 9 serious errors in the film to be corrected.

Lord Monckton travels internationally in an attempt to educating the public about the myth of global warming.

YOU Can Help
Do YOUR Bit To Save Mankind

At the end of this Blog you will note, just above the next blog, there is a logo of an envelope.

IF you want to help just click the envelope and you will find that you have opened an automatic advice of this blog to send to your friends and opinion makers around the world.

IF you are not happy just mailing it out just put YOUR 'e'Mail address in the 'To' section and when you receive it in YOUR Inbox just press Forward and you can alter its layout and other details, you can also add your thoughts having watched this compelling video.

You may wish to add other links debunking Climate Change and Global Warming as some sort of anthropogenic guilt syndrome.

I am 63 and I have seen much of this planet, most continents and many Countries, I have lived amongst peoples of all colours, most religions and every view point and I am aware that without exception they seek health, happiness and well being for themselves and even more for their children.

I do not believe that mankind is capable of making the climate changes our politicians and the corrupt praise singers around them claim. I do not believe, when you consider our nearest star, The Sun, pours out the equivalent in heat of a 1 bar kilowatt fire on every single square yard of our planet that mankind could possibly make the slightest difference relative to a 1% of 1% rise or fall in the output of that mighty Nuclear Reactor The  Sun - as for climate change, we have very little knowledge or understanding of how our climate works.

I live in Britain which not so very long ago in terms of the age of this planet was ONE MILE under a sheet of ice. More recently you could walk across the North Sea and The Channel as shown by the animal fossils that are regularly brought to the surface in fishermen's nets.

For between 10,000 and 100,000 years a scar from East to West crossed Northern Russia which flowed white hot molten rock onto the surface and slowly the magma cooled. The CO2 locked (but leaking) in the millions of miles of peat bog of Northern Russia held in by perma frost could pour out a Million times more CO2 than mankind has produced since man arrived on this planet.

Consider the staggering power of The Tanguska Episode which levelled 100s of square miles of trees in a micro second during the last century. When one minor hiccup from the shift of the Indonesian plate or the explosive collapse of Krakatoa can send shock waves around the world and make our planet ring like a bell as it snuffs out the lives of 100s of 1,000s of people and animals DO YOU really believe that dullards like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown and their ilk, backed by a populist 'celeb' cult of neo communists have the vaguest idea of a solution - they don't even know what the problem is.

They have lied, cheated and bullied, using our money, to buy the support of a tiny weenie selection of corrupt or very stupid people seeking grants and self enrichment - read the caveats in the UN's utterly dishonest Climate Change findings and report - they even admit it is rubbish!

Let us be idiotic and believe we can trust our politicians who have got us into this mess that they claim dishonestly to have discovered - why would one believe they had a clue what to do to solve it? Most of them could barely find their own backside with both  hands a spotlight, a magnifying glass and help if we didn't let them steal our money!

Fancifully let us for a moment believe them - do you believe that if the ENTIRE population of the ENTIRE planet stopped immediately using any fuel whatsoever it would make the slightest difference? Well that isn't going to happen anyway because the rotting bodies of 6,000,000,000 dead people would exceed the fuel output of CO2 saved!

Stop for a moment those 6,000,000,000 will virtually without exception die within 75 years and either rot or require fuel to burn them so not only did that not make a blind bit of difference to global change or warming climate or whatever and of course in that 75 years it is probable that 8-10,000,000,000 will be born.

May I suggest that you give a wide birth to the dishonest Communist clap trap of Green movements and the lies of politicians and use your own brain - it takes very little effort to work out that Lord Monkton is making one hell of a lot more sense than all the profiteers and rascals on the green band wagon.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Sunday, 18 October 2009

#G195* - 'THE PRIZE'

#G195* - 'THE PRIZE'

John was in the fertilized egg business.

He had several hundred young hens called 'pullets,' and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.

This took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. Each bell had a different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing. Now, he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

John's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this
morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all!

When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, could run for cover.

To John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring.. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Piece
Prize" but they also awarded him the "Pullet Sur Prize" as well.

Clearly old Butch was a 'consumate' politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted
awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace
and screwing them when they weren't paying attention.

_*Vote carefully ...the division bells are not always audible...*_

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),
Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Saturday, 17 October 2009

#G194* - Edward SPALTON, EUroRealist, EUropaische & more

#G194* - Edward SPALTON, EUroRealist, EUropaische & more


can I draw your attention to an article of Derek Bennett's on his blog at:

It is an interesting personal description of 'A Journey'.

I can't claim to agree with him on all his views and values, particularly the view that the EU it is all just a German plot, but having watched his video on:

I do suggest YOU watch it and draw your own conclusions
'Britain, The EU, Germany & Democratic Deficit - a personal view'
The video is about 1 hour long and has the advantage of being conducted as an interview, which makes it somewhat easier to keep on track as at least one of you is detatched and thinking of structure and flow at any one time!!

It is only recently that I have become aware that others had tracked down Walter Funk's 'EUropaische Wirtschaft Gemeinschaft' as after chatting to Christopher Story I searched everywhere I could for a copy eventually, unable to locate it in the UK I obtained a photocopy of the original in German - hard to follow, as my German is very 'pub patois' learned mostly rock climbing on hard rock with Germans in Germany West & East, Switzerland, Italy and France in the 1960s.

I was very fortunate to have the assistance of Frank Butterfield in translating it and we placed the full translation on Mark Oliver's web site SilentMajority CLICK HERE on which Mark & I were working to raise awareness of the dangers of The EU some 16 years ago.

One could do worse if you are just starting to learn about the world you live in than to visit and revisit my blogs until you have caught up and also study The SilentMajority web site, which is one of the most comprehensive sites built in Britain on the subject of Governance and the controls by those who are claiming to represent our interest through propaganda, duplicity and downright dishonesty!

To view the translation of Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft which we provided

To this day I can not find an alternative translation on the net.

Once you have watched Edward Spalton's video on line you might wish to add to your knowledge and understanding by watching the more casual and free ranging video of a talk I gave without preparation or notes to an audience at Marlborough CLICK HERE - a bit long, a bit disjointed but it does cover a lot of ground and to this day I stand by everything I said including my repudiation of the BNP, which a BNP supporter forced me to make. I also do not accept the legal legitimacy of the contentions put forward by the special constable but I wish him well with his efforts.
Interestingly subsequent to my outright denunciation of Tom Wise and his apparent fraud, theft of tax payers' money and money laundering as an MEP he has been charged with exactly that and is scheduled to surrender to bail for the case against him to be tried at Southwark Crown Court on 02-Nov-2009, with his researcher, the author and some time Tory PPPC, Lindsay Jenkins.

Anyway enjoy the video CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.

for all my contact details & Blogs:

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arrogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship, and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

The EU, due to the political idiocy and corruption of its undemocratic leaders, is now a net importer of food, no longer able to feed itself and with a decreasing range of over priced goods of little use to the rest of the world to sell with which to counter the net financial drain of endless imports.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician in ANY election until we are liberated from the EU and are a Free Sovereign peoples, with independent control of our own borders, making and managing Law & Justice for our own benefit, in our own elected Westminster Parliament where we can fire our politicians at the ballot box, if they fail to represent OUR best interests.
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper

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