#G0589* - Chris HUHNE Emerges From His Nuclear Shelter!
Many will remember the quote of this EU lackey Chris Huhne in the article when he said of Nuclear Power::
In 2007 he described it as a ‘tried, tested and failed technology’ and said it had no future.
Or was his thinking so backward and doctrinal that he meant :
Indeed the Romans used oil as a power source.
Has this idiot not heard of progress, research & development?
People like The Greens, Lib.Dims., CND, Green Peace, friends of the Earth and fellow travellers with their dishonest Aesopian names designed deliberately to mislead have much to answer for.
Had these self serving ludites not been so willing to lie for their personal gain and self enrichment it is probable that the catastropies of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and yes even Fukishima may never of happened.
R&D and thus progress has been severely hampered by these slavering morons chaining themselves to rail;ings, bullying weak kneed politicians unfit and incapable of leading and duping children and the gullible.
There is every reason to believe without these malicious fools we would by now have even possibly progressed to fusion and domestic use of nuclear power on a clean, safe local basis – even perhaps fusion fueled transport. Had the years since about 1960 not been so damaged by the ludites – like Chris Huhne and their ignorant ilk.
Perhaps if they were all given speeding tickets they could all be forced to adopt rational thought!
We may even, then be able to ditch the costly and environmentally damaging idiocy of building windmills as votive tokens of the new religion for to be sure they are about as much use as a soup sandwich at generating reliable or cost effective electricity!
UK needs new nuclear plants says Huhne as he completes U-turn on power stations
By Jason Groves
Last updated at 7:40 AM on 30th June 2011
Power struggle: Energy Secretary Chris Huhne's latest call contradicts previous statements he has made on nuclear power
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne completed his spectacular U-turn yesterday when he backed a new generation of nuclear power stations.
The Liberal Democrat minister said new nuclear plants were needed to keep Britain’s lights on and would have an essential role in tackling climate change and curbing soaring fuel bills.
Mr Huhne, who once described nuclear power as a ‘failed technology’, now says it is an essential part of getting Britain ‘off the oil hook’.
Speaking ahead of the launch of new electricity market reforms which will make nuclear power more attractive for business investors, he praised the example of France, where 77 per cent of electricity is generated by nuclear power stations, arguing that it provides the French with both better energy security and lower bills.
And, putting himself on a potential collision course with the rest of his party, he warned that Britain is in danger of falling behind if it delays the dash for new nuclear power stations.
Mr Huhne said: ‘Some countries already have a head start.
‘Electricity prices in France are set to rise by around three per cent this year; compare and contrast with Britain, where prices are rising by three times as much.
‘It is no surprise that less than ten per cent of France’s electricity comes from fossil fuels.’
Mr Huhne’s new enthusiasm for nuclear power leaves him open to charges of hypocrisy.
Back to the future: Mr Huhne believes nuclear plants like Sellafield are essential to reduce the UK's dependence on oil
Back to the future: Mr Huhne believes nuclear plants like Sellafield are essential to reduce the UK's dependence on oil
In 2007 he described it as a ‘tried, tested and failed technology’ and said it had no future.
He has since claimed that these comments were ‘misunderstood’ and that he was not opposed to nuclear power provided it did not involve large state subsidies.
The Lib Dem manifesto pledged to ‘reject’ plans for new nuclear plants.
Mr Huhne’s comments will infuriate MPs in his party who want the Coalition to follow the lead of Germany and Italy and scrap nuclear in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan.
The Coalition Agreement allows Lib Dem MPs to abstain on the issue but many are now expected to vote against.
Some 19 Lib Dem MPs – one third of the Parliamentary party – have signed a Commons motion warning that events in Fukushima ‘underline the extreme dangers inherent in nuclear power’, and calling for it to be abandoned.
Signatories include former leader Charles Kennedy and party president Tim Farron.
Lib Dem MP Martin Horwood accused ministers of pushing through secret subsidies for the nuclear industry – in breach of the Coalition agreement.
He called for a windfall tax on the nuclear industry to claw the money back. Mr Horwood said: ‘There are going to be some pretty frank discussions about nuclear.
Disaster: Mr Huhne's comments are certain to anger Lib Dem MPs who have called for nuclear power to be scrapped in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan earlier this year
‘There is growing unhappiness at the level of subsidies creeping in for the nuclear industry – they are being given millions of pounds for no change in behaviour whatsoever.’
Mr Huhne has been accused of brushing aside safety concerns in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster by insisting that a new generation of eight nuclear plants must go ahead.
*The amount collected by the Government under the banner of ‘green taxes’ has topped £40billion for the first time.
It means that environment taxes levied in the name of tackling climate change have doubled in just 16 years and now generate enough for the Treasury to cover the entire military defence budget.
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"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Greg L-W.
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British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.
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