The aim of this blog is to accrue information that may be of help to you & links to other sites I have found of help, including sites run or managed by friends and associates.
Do send me a message of anything you feel would help.
Regards, Greg L-W.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

#G098* - National Health Failures!

#G098* - National Health Failures!

An Israeli doctor said, 'Medicine in my country is so advanced, we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks'.

A German doctor said, 'That's nothing! In Germany , we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks'.

A Russian doctor said, 'In my country medicine is so advanced, we can take half a heart from one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks'.

The English doctor, not to be outdone, said 'Hah!. We can take two arseholes out of Scotland , put them in 10 & 11 Downing Street and have half the country looking for work within twenty-four hours'

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper




Murphys Law and those of similar ilk.

Murphys Law:
If anything can go wrong, it will.

Schmidts Law:
If you fiddle with something long enough, it will break.

Fudds First Law of Opposition:
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.

Coles Law:
Slice cabbage thinly.

Byers Law of Cussedness:
Something will go wrong.

Skinners constant (Flannagans finagling factor):
That quantity which, when multiplied by, divided by, added to, or subtracted from the answer you get, gives you the answer you wanted.

Gilbs Laws of Unreliability:
1. Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.
2. Any system which depends on human reliability is unreliable.
3. Undetectable errors are infinite in variety, in contrast to detectable
errors, which by definition are limited.
4. Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the probable
of errors, or until someone insists on getting some useful work done.

Brooks Law:
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology:
There's always one more bug.

Shaws Principle:
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to
use it.

IBM Pollyanna Principle:
Machines should work; people should think.

Law of the Perversity of nature:
You can not successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter.

Law of Selective Gravity:
An object will fall so as to do the most damage.
Jennings Corollary:
The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly Proportional to the cost of the carpet. Klipsteins Corollary: The most delicate component will be the one to drop.

Sprinkles Law:
Things always fall at right angles.

Anthony's Law of The Workshop:
Any tool, when dropped, will roll into the least accessible corner of the workshop.

Paul's Law:
You can't fall off the floor.

Johnson's First Law:
When any mechanical contrivance fails, it will do so at the most
possible time.

Law of Annoyance:
When working on a project, if you put away a tool that you're certain you're finished with, you will need it instantly.

Watsons Law:
The reliability of machinery is inversely proportional to the number and significance of any persons watching it.

Sattingers Law:
It works better if you plug it in.

Lowery's Law:
If it jams - force it . If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

Wyszkowski's Law:
Anything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough.

Les Miserables Metalaw:
All laws, whether good, bad or indifferent, must be obeyed to the letter.

Persigs Postulate:
The number of rational hypotheses that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite.

Lilly's Metalaw:
All laws are simulations of reality.

The Ultimate Principle:
By definition, when you are investigating the unknown you do not know
what you
will find.

Cooper's Metalaw:
A proliferation of new laws creates a proliferation of new loopholes.

Hartley's First Law:
You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float on his back, you've got something.

Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Government:
No man's life, liberty or property are safe while parliament is in session.

Churchill's Commentary on Man:
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick
himself up and continue on.

Haldane's Law:
The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it's queerer than we can imagine.

The Murphy Philosophy:
Smile...tomorrow will be worse.

Murphy's Constant:
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value.

Quantization Revision of Murphy's Law:
Everything goes wrong at once.

O'Tooles Commentary on Murphy's Law:
Murphy was an optimist.

Scotts First Law:
No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.

Scotts Second Law:
When an error has been detected and corrected,
it will be found to have been correct in the first place.

Finagle's First Law:
If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

Finagles Second Law:
No matter what the anticipated result, there will always be someone eager to
(a) misinterpret it,
(b) fake it, or
(c) believe it happened to his own pet theory.

First Law of Politics :
If you open a can of worms, the only way to deal with them is to use a larger can.

Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics:
Things get worse under pressure.

Stockmayer's Theorem:
If it looks easy, it's tough. If it looks tough, it's darn near impossible.

Etorre's Observation:
The other line moves faster.

Osborne's Law:
Variables won't; constants aren't.

Klipstein's Law of Specification:
In specifications, Murphy's Law supercedes Ohm's.

Horner's Five-Thumb Postulate:
Experience varies directly with equipment ruined.

Cahn's Axiom:
If all else fails, read the instructions.

Jenkinson's Law:
It won't work.

Young's Law:
All great discoveries are made by mistake.
Corollary: The greater the funding, the longer it takes the mistake.

Hoare's Law of Large Problems:
Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out.

The Peter Principle:
In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence.
1. In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is
to carry out his duties.
2. Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached
their level
of incompetence.

Peter's Rule For Creative Incompetence:
Create the impression that you have already reached your level of

Truman's Law:
If you can't convince them, confuse them.

Wikers Law:
Government expands to absorb revenue and then some.

Ninety-Ninety Rule of Project Schedules:
The first ninety percent of the task takes ninety percent of the time,
and the
last ten percent takes the other ninety percent.

Canada Bill Jones's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
Supplement: A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.

Captain Penny's Law:
You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people
all of
the time, but you can't fool MUM.

Wilson's Observation On Drivers:
There are two kinds of drivers: the impatient ones and the darned dawdlers!
Supplement: beware of drivers wearing hats or whose ears you can see. One can not successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter.

To view the original list CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Monday, 27 April 2009



POLITICS & THE CLOVEN HOOF is a variation on an old theme using cows and attitudes to bovine agriculture to understand the many different styles of Governance.


You have 2 cows.

You give one to your neighbour.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and gives you some milk.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and sells you some milk.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and shoots you.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then throws the

milk away...

THE EUropean Union

For every 2 cows there are 10 bureaucrats drawing up 2 contradictory regulations each to manage the cows.
The budget office decides printing the regulations will violate green regulations on climate change using too much wood for paper so all cows will be killed and burnt on wood pyres.
Milk will now be imported from Poland and meat from the Argentine.
The regulatory staff will be given early retirement for stress with a huge gratuity before rehiring them to do the same for sheep.


You have two cows.

You sell one and buy a bull.

Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.

You sell them and retire on the income.


You have two giraffes.

The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.


You have two cows.

You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.

Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow has dropped dead.


You have two cows.

You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of

credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a

debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all

four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.

The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a

Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who

sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The

annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one


You sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States,leaving you

with nine cows.

No balance sheet provided with the release. The public then buys your



You have two cows.

You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you want

three cows.


You have two cows.

You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and

produce twenty times the milk.

You then create a clever cow cartoon image called 'Cowkimon' and market

it worldwide.


You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You decide to have



You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows.

You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.

You count them again and learn you have 2 cows.

You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.


You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them.

You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity.

You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.


You have two cows. You worship them.


You have two cows. Both are mad.


Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none.

No-one believes you, so they bomb the shit out of you and invade your


You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy.


You have two cows.

The one on the left looks very attractive.


You sell both cows while market prices are the lowest ever then later borrow money to buy a new cow. You have this cow milked and give the milk away. You pay the interest on the loan with which you bought the cow by taxing people who didn't get any milk from it.

When the cow dies you borrow more money and give it to your home secretary who buys a bull and wonders why she can't get any milk from it.

Answering questions about this in parliament you claim that it's been the longest period of sustained economic milking since cows had scales and anything that has gone wrong is because the tories wouldn't even know where the starting handle goes in a cow to great amusement that he doesn't understand at all.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
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##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Sunday, 26 April 2009

#G095* - Flora London Marathon

#G095* - Flora London Marathon 2009 Results



Am I right in saying Flora is a British Product - a Margarine type spread?

On a quick glance through the first 10 men and then the first 10 women to complete the London Marathon today - there seems to be every indication that not one single runner habitually uses Flora Spread.

YAMAUCHI, MARA (GBR) is the only one to claim British Nationality being of African lineage born in Britain but raised & domicile in Kenya, where she now lives with her husband. Not much Flora there to my knowledge?

What is in Flora that provides a herd instinct to run but seemingly prevents you running fast?

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
############= ~ = ############
###########(`~0~0~') ###########
##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper




"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

MUSINGS ON THE BUDGET by an associate blogger

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Musings at Yesterday's Budget

Well its 02.00 on Thursday 23rd April and a quick check of all of the UK political websites show the individual Political Parties response to Darling's Budget - all except UKIP. Even the BNP have issued its views and yet UKIP (the 'Third/Fourth Force' in British politics) says nothing - O well, perhaps they are waiting for Nigel to get out of the pub to give his percieved wisdom - after all, its still early isn't it?

Well, we have just a few comments to make, and perhaps UKIP can copy them to save them making it up on their own:

1. Total government debt will double to 79% of GDP by 2013 - the highest level since the Second World War. The annual budget deficit will rise sharply to £175bn for the next two years

Assuming Darling's figures are correct (and they haven't been so far) we can see considerable devaluation of the £, hyper-inflation in a couple of years and much higher taxation levels than currently experienced.

New World Order Consipracy Advocates will see this as a deliberate attempt to ruin the currency and economy, with a view to the development of a single World Currency, Bank and Government - who knows?

2. A new 50p tax rate for earnings over £150,000.

This is just a token gesture - it will bring in a pittance - but Brown believes will obtain good headlines - as even the wealthy will pay.

Wrong, most will be able to avoid this via clever accounting techniques, but worse still, Brown has broken a General Election Pledge - not to raise Direct Taxation. This, coupled with the false promise for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, means that election pledges mean nothing - Yes that will certainly instill confidence in our Political system.

3. Fuel duty will increase by 2p per litre in September and then by 1p a litre above inflation each April for the next four years.

The further development of a 'carbon tax' protecting our environment. Most informed individuals do not believe this 'global warming' scam, but nevertheless, we will all have to pay for it - roll on the electric/solar car. The problem is, while oil is only $50 a barrel, Brown can get away with it. What happens if it rises to $150 + again?

4. Mr Darling confirmed the economy would shrink by 3.5% in 2009, with a forecast of 1.25% growth next year rising to 3.5% in 2011.

Well, we may agree with the first figure, but the rest is fantasy land. Unemployment will continue to rise for at least 12 months. Manufacturing hardly exists, unless it is heavily subsidised, and the City is in turmoil. It certainly suits Labour to suggest that the economy will improve once the General Election is over, as it provides promise before hand, and should the Conservatives win, not achieving these figures, will be blamed on them - quite simple really.

There is more to add, but the BBC and Press will cover most of the points. We feel, that while in the short-term, the borrowing will alleviate some of the worst effects of the Depression, it will cause considerable pain for the UK Economy for the next 5 - 10 years (if not longer). There are hard times ahead and we do not believe there is one Political Party currently in the UK that is able, or sufficiently competent to deal with, the disaster, this Labour Government has considerably contributed to, if not caused.

It's 02.20 and still no comment from UKIP - must be a 'sit-in'.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
############= ~ = ############
###########(`~0~0~') ###########
##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Saturday, 25 April 2009



"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
############= ~ = ############
###########(`~0~0~') ###########
##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Wednesday, 15 April 2009




A continuation from:
an update on:


with video cameras and not to mention 24/7 video surveillance of our lives by agents of the STATE a vicious street gang of out of control yobs are repeatedly caught on camera turning up at otherwise peacefull demonstarations to ruin the day and deny the people their right to peacefull protest.

Lest you forget:
Protest is a fundamental human right in a free society - it is the first right to be suppressed by a Police State!

You will note that in yet another film clip it is this gang who with their violent body language and their strident attitudes start fights and cause trouble.

You will note in this clip that a not very large crowd of demonstarators, many with cameras or chatting on mobile phones are gathered, entirely peacably yet when one of the street gang moves along his own lines this shaven headed yob instigates violence by lashing out at one of the crowd.

Meanwhile another of the yobs in black - also notably shaven headed is strutting up and down in body armour concealed largely by a yellow tabard, he is clearly looking for trouble and in frustration at the peacable nature of those around strikes out back handing a young woman to the head, a young woman who barely reaches his shoulder! (this yob seems to strike her twice - gratuitously the big brave bullyboy!) - without any provocation he draws a concealed weapon and starts to strike out at the legs of the woman and those around him although he is at no time threatened.

All too often this street gang turns up at peacfull events and promotes or instigates violence.

Watch live footage of the gang at work: CLICK HERE

It seems that as our Police are increasingly politicised and irrationally armed (see my earlier blogs #G087* & #G001*) - they seem to have forgotten that they are the SERVANTS of the people and not their masters but increasingly as the standard of yob in politics slides inexorably into the gutter from whence so many of them came they form a team of terror that the public who pay their wages increasingly fear - there is little doubt that I am far more likely to die at the hands of my own police or as a result of Political incompetence than at the hands of the largely mythical terrorists who stalk this land!!

As for my demise being as a sacrifice to the New World Order's New Religion with its bi-polar god we must all worship, that is all too likely. Will it be at the hands of the god 'Climate Change' or his alter ego 'Global Warming'.

NEVER forget that no Government can tax its people if they have nothing to fear and clearly it is the Government we should fear most!

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

############-\\\///-########### #
############= ~ = ############
###########(`~0~0~') ###########
##########M r C H A D###########

Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Sunday, 12 April 2009

#G091* - Ministry Of Defeat IDIOCY AGAIN!

#G091* - Ministry Of Defeat IDIOCY AGAIN!


I believe that I am still correct that British military spend on both hardware AND software is down to the British Tax Payer and managed by The Ministry Of Defeat - those chumps who organised the retreat from Basra, all cleverly cloaked out of the news with G8, G20 and the various other costly chats to try to teach the leaders of world governments how to give a convincing argument with authority when caught out in abject failure of fundamental bean counting!

One piece of bean counting I could not work out wa that according to the MoD's web site The British Royal Airforce has approximately 80 fighter/fast jets of any callibre - personally I'd love to know what we are paying over 600 qualified fast jet pilots for!

You would need more than just a simple 'Quick Fit Fitter as a Quick Fit Quitter' at the Ministry of Defeat to keep each fast jet in the air for more than one run a day on a regular basis - so at very best that leaves 520 high speed jet pilots, fully trained with Wings salaries, bonuses, pensions etc. - I guess they fly desks and ride bicycles on inflated incomes!

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:
Greg's WordPress Blog

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

The ugly, centralised, undemocratic supra national policies being imposed by the centralised and largely unelected decisionmakers of The EU for alien aims, ailien values and to suit alien needs stand every possibility of creating 200,000,000 deaths across EUrope as a result of the blind arogance and hubris of the idiologues in the central dictatorship and their economic illiteracy marching hand in glove with the idiocy of The CAP & The CFP - both policies which deliver bills, destroy lives and denude food stocks.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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Until we gain our liberty, restore our sovereignty, repatriate our democracy and reinstate our Justice system and our borders - defended by our Police and Military armed with sustainable and obtainable weaponry:
Treat every election as a referendum.

Don't waste your vote on a self serving Politician
Make your vote count
Write on YOUR ballot Paper


Saturday, 11 April 2009

#G090* - The FOX's PROPHECY

#G090* - The FOX's PROPHECY

The Fox's Prophecy

Tom Hill was in the saddle,
One bright November morn,
The echoing glades of Guiting Wood
Were ringing with his horn.

The diamonds of the hoar-frost
Were sparkling in the sun.
Upon the falling leaves the drops
Were shining one by one.

The hare lay on the fallow,
The robin carolled free;
The linnet and yellow finch
Twittered from tree to tree.

In stately march the sable rook
Followed the clanking plough;
Apart their watchful sentinel
Cawed from the topmost bough.

Peeped from her hole the field-mouse
Amid the fallen leaves.
From twig to twig the spider
Her filmy cable weaves.

The wavings of the pine boughs
The squirrel's form disclose;
And through the purple beech-tops
The whirring pheasant rose.

The startled rabbit scuttered
Across the grassy ride;
High in mid-air the hovering hawk
Wheeled round in circles wide.

The freshest wind was blowing
O'er groves of beech and oak
And through the boughs of larch and pine
The struggling sunbeam broke.

The avried tints of autumn
Still lingered on the wood,
And on the leaves the morning sun
Poured out a golden flood.

Soft, fleecy clouds were sailing
Across the vault of blue.
A fairer hunting morning
No huntsman ever knew.

All nature seemed rejoicing
That glorious morn to see;
All seemed to breathe a fresher life -
Beast, insect, bird and tree.

But sound and sight of beauty
Fell dull on eye and ear;
The huntsman's heart was heavy
His brow oppressed with care.

High in his stirrups raised he stood,
And long he gazed around;
And breathlessly and anxiously
His listened for a sound.

But nought he heard save the song bird
Or jay's discordant cry;
Or when among the the tree-tops
The wind went murmuring by.

No voice of hound, no sound of horn
The woods around were mute,
As though the earth had swallowed up
His comrades - man and brute.

He thought, "I must essay to find
My hounds at any cost;
A huntsmand who has lost his hounds
Is but a huntsman lost".

Then round he turned his horse's head
And shook his bridle free,
When he was struck by an aged fox
That sat beneath a tree.

He raised his eye in glad surprise,
That huntsman keen and bold;
But there was in that fox's look
That made his blood run cold.

He raised his hand to touch his horn,
And shout a "Tally-ho"
But mastered by that fox's eye,
His lips refused to blow.

For he was grim and gaunt of limb,
With age all silvered o'er;
He might have been an arctic fox
Escaped from Greenland's shore.

But age his vigour had not tamed,
Nor dimm'd his sparkling eye,
Which shone with an unearthly fire -
Fire that could never die.

And thus the huntsman he addressed,
In tones distinct and clear,
Who heard as they who in a dream
The fairies' music hear.

"Huntsman" he said - a sudden thrill
Through all the listeners ran,
To hear a creature of the wood
Speak like a Christian man -

"Last of my race, to me' tis given
The future to unfold,
To speak the words which never yet
Spake fox of mortal mould.

"Then print my words upon your heart
And stamp them on your brain,
That you to others may impart
My prophecy again.

"Strong life is your's in manhood's prime,
Your cheek with heat is red;
Time has not laid his finger yet
In earnest on your head.

"But ere your limbs are bent with age,
And ere yours locks are grey,
The sport that you have loved so well
Shall long have passed away.

"In vain shall generous Colmore,
Your hunt consent to keep;
In vain the Rendcomb baronet
With gold your stores shall heap.

"In vain Sir Alexander,
And Watson Keen in vain,
O'er the pleasant Cotswold hills
The joyous sport maintain.

"Vain all their efforts: spite of all,
Draws nigh the fatal morn,
When the last Cotswold fox shall hear
The latest huntsman's horn.

"Yet think not, huntsman, I rejoice
To see the end so near;
Nor think the sound of horn and hound
To me a sound of fear.

"In my strong youth, which numbers now
Full many a winter back,
How scornfully I shook my brush
Before the Berkeley pack.

"How oft from Painswick hill I've seen
The morning mist uncurl,
When harry Airis blew the horn
Before the wrathful Earl.

"How oft I've heard the Cotswolds' cry
As Turner cheered the pack,
And laughed to see his baffled hounds
Hang vainly on my track.

"Too well I know, by wisdom taught
The existance of my race
O'er all wide England's green domain
Is bound up with the Chase.

"Better in early youth and strength
The race for life to run,
Than poisoned like the noxious rat,
Or slain by felon gun.

"Better by wily sleight and turn
The eager hound to foil,
Than slaughtered by each baser churl
Who yet shall till the soil.

"For not upon these hills alone
The doom of sport shall fall;
O'er the broad face of England creeps
The shadow on the wall.

"The years roll on: old manors change,
Old customs lose their sway;
New fashions rule; the grandsire's garb
Moves ridicule to-day.

"The woodlands where my race has bred
Unto the axe shall yield;
Hedgerow and copse shall cease to shade
The ever widening field.

"The manly sports of England
Shall vanish one by one;
The manly blood of England
In weaker veins shall run.

"The furzy down, the moorland heath,
The steam plough shall invade;
Nor park nor manor shall escape -
Common, nor forest glade.

"Degenerate sons of manlier sires
To lower joys shall fall;
The faithless lore of germany,
The gilded vice of Gaul.

"The sports of their forefathers
To baser tastes shall yield;
The vices of the town displace
The pleasures of the field.

"For swiftly o'er the level shore
The waves of progress ride;
The ancient landmarks one by one
Shall sink beneath the tide.

"Time honoured creeds and ancient faith,
The Alter and the Crown,
Lordship's hereditary right,
Before that tide go down.

"Base churls shall mock the mighty names
Writ on the roll of time;
Religion shall be held a jest,
And loyalty a crime.

"No word of prayer, no hmyn of praise
Sound in the village school;
The people's education
Utilitarians rule.

"In England's ancient pulpits
Lay orators shall preach
New creeds, and free religions
Self made apostles teach.

"The peasants to their daily tasks
In surly silence fall;
No kindly hospitalities
In farmhouse nor in hall.
"Nor harvest feast nor Christmas tide
Shall farm or manor hold;
Science alone can plenty give,
The only God is gold.

"The homes where love and peace should dwell
Fierce politics shall vex,
And unsexed woman strive to prove
Herself the coarser sex.

"Mechanics in their workshops
Affairs of state decide;
Honour and truth - old fashioned words -
The noisy mob deride.

"The statesman that should rule the realm
Coarse demagogues displace;
The glory of a thousand years
Shall end in foul disgrace.

The honour of old England,
Cotton shall buy and sell,
And hardware manufacturers
Cry "Peace - lo, all is well".

Trade shall be held the only good
And gain the sole device;
The statesman's maxim shall be peace,
and peace at any price.

"Her army and her navy
Britain shall cast aside;
Soldiers and ships are costly things,
Defence an empty pride.

"The German and the Muscovite
Shall rule the narrow seas;
Old England's flag shall cease to float
In triumph on the breeze.

"The footsteps of th' invader,
Then England's shore shall know,
While home-bred traitors give the hand
To England's every foe.

"Disarmed, before the foreigner,
The knee shall humbly bend,
And yield the treasures that she lacked
The wisdom to defend.

"But not for aye - yet once again,
When purged by fire and sword,
The land her freedom shall regain,
To manlier thoughts restored.

"Taught wisdom by disaster,
England shall learn to know,
That trade is not the only gain
Heaven gives to man below.

"The greed for gold departed
The golden calf cast down,
Old England's sons shall raise again
The Alter and the Crown.

"Rejoicing seas shall welcome
Their mistress once again;
Once more the banner of St George
Shall rule upon the main.

"The blood of the invader
Her pastures shall manure,
His bones unburied on her fields
For monuments to endure.

"Again in hall and homestead,
Shall joy and peace be seen,
And smiling children raise again
The maypole on the green.

"Again the hospitable board
Shall groan with Christmas cheer,
And mutual service bind again
The peasant and the peer.

"Again the smiling hedgerow
Shall field from field divide;
Again among the woodlands
The scarlet troop shall ride."

Again it seemed that aged fox,
More prophecies would say,
When sudden came upon the wind,
"Hark forrard, gone away".

The listener started from his trance -
He sat there all alone;
That well-known cry had burst the spell,
The aged fox was gone.

The huntsman turned,
He spurred his steed,
And to the cry he sped;
And when he thought upon that fox,
Said naught, but shook his head.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

For More Information & Facts visit:

‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU.

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

~ for more Quotes & Facts:

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The Secret People
by G.K.Chesterton


Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;
For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.
There is many a fat farmer that drinks less cheerfully,
There is many a free French peasant who is richer and sadder than we.
There are no folk in the whole world so helpless or so wise.
There is hunger in our bellies, there is laughter in our eyes;
You laugh at us and love us, both mugs and eyes are wet:
Only you do not know us. For we have not spoken yet.

The fine French kings came over in a flutter of flags and dames.
We liked their smiles and battles, but we never could say their names.
The blood ran red to Bosworth and the high French lords went down;
There was naught but a naked people under a naked crown.
And the eyes of the King's Servants turned terribly every way,
And the gold of the King's Servants rose higher every day.
They burnt the homes of the shaven men, that had been quaint and kind,
Till there was no bed in a monk's house, nor food that man could find.
The inns of God where no man paid, that were the wall of the weak.
The King's Servants ate them all. And still we did not speak.

And the face of the King's Servants grew greater than the King:
He tricked them, and they trapped him, and stood round him in a ring.
The new grave lords closed round him, that had eaten the abbey's fruits,
And the men of the new religion, with their bibles in their boots,
We saw their shoulders moving, to menace or discuss,
And some were pure and some were vile; but none took heed of us.
We saw the King as they killed him, and his face was proud and pale;
And a few men talked of freedom, while England talked of ale.

A war that we understood not came over the world and woke
Americans, Frenchmen, Irish; but we knew not the things they spoke.
They talked about rights and nature and peace and the people's reign:
And the squires, our masters, bade us fight; and scorned us never again.
Weak if we be for ever, could none condemn us then;
Men called us serfs and drudges; men knew that we were men.
In foam and flame at Trafalgar, on Albuera plains,
We did and died like lions, to keep ourselves in chains,
We lay in living ruins; firing and fearing not
The strange fierce face of the Frenchmen who knew for what they fought,
And the man who seemed to be more than a man we strained against and broke;
And we broke our own rights with him. And still we never spoke.

Our patch of glory ended; we never heard guns again.
But the squire seemed struck in the saddle; he was foolish, as if in pain,
He leaned on a staggering lawyer, he clutched a cringing Jew,
He was stricken; it may be, after all, he was stricken at Waterloo.
Or perhaps the shades of the shaven men, whose spoil is in his house,
Come back in shining shapes at last to spoil his last carouse:
We only know the last sad squires rode slowly towards the sea,
And a new people takes the land: and still it is not we.

They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
Lords without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs.

We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
Our wrath come after Russia's wrath and our wrath be the worst.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
God's scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.

#G088* - C.S. LEWIS - Screwtape Letters 'Preface'

#G088* - C.S. LEWIS - Screwtape Letters 'Preface'

Oh so very prescient!

"I like bats much better than bureaucrats.

I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of "Admin."

The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint.

It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps.

In those we see its final result.

But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voice.

Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the offices of a thoroughly nasty business concern."

C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters, preface

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


an update on:
A British Police Officer
armed with a multi shot Heckler and Koch MP5 patter A2
a Heckler and Koch sidearm (Pistol)



We await the details of the next Official Police cover-up for brutality and murder - To see video footage of the most recent police outrage leading to the killing of an innocent man CLICK HERE, These so called public servantswho are seemingly protected by the State thus make it clear that increasingly we live in a Police State, where the police can do no wrong!

Clearly it is a police State, as poorly trained and ill disciplined Police are time and again responsible for gratuitous and un-necessary killing of citizens - seemingly without any meaningful expectation of ever paying for their crime in a Court let alone serving time for their Murders.

One has to wonder at a society which refuses to protect its citizens by the implementation of a death penalty, seemingly willing to put its citizens at risk from recidivist killers and unwilling to have sufficient confidence in Police evidence, witness evidence, legal procedure, Juries and Judges!

Yet without evidence, without defence, without due process, without Jury & unguided by lawyers or Judge – clearly: ill trained, incompetent Police, with poor judgement and deficient leadership we arm our police and authorise them as executioners!How can this be morally right?

The Jean Charles De Menezes inquest has ruled out the option of 'unlawful killing' to the jury. What is the point of having a jury if they are not free to make their own verdict? Even to the public, unused to arms, it looks all too like the fact that the jury were showing every sign of coming to the obvious and just verdict of 'unlawful killing', a situation that can not be permitted in an ever increasing Police State, where the Government goons act as death squads!

Will anyone EVER be prosecuted for unlawful killing? Failing that will anyone ever get charged for assisting suicide;

Consider for a moment the staggering arrogance and hubris that Cressida Dick a Common Purpose fast tracked Officer was not only the Operational Office in charge when Jean Charles was summarily executed and the two hit men who carried out the murder were known as Charley One & Charley 12. The two murderers, despite their incompetence, were back on armed duty shortly after ther killing and Cressida Dick was promoted - Prior to ANY enquiry or The Coroner's Court Verdict (travesty that it was!).

IF Debbie Purdy (Suffering with ms) got told last month that if her husband helps escort her to Dignitas in Switzerland he might face prosecution, surely the policeman could get charge with this!

Heckler & Koch MP5

similar to the patern used by the British Police, unaccountable, Death Squads.

It would be interesting if the Police would provide open and transparent facts since to date they have executed an ever increasing number of citizens on the streets and in their homes in Britain.


01. Are there additional names that are missing from the list below?

02. Who are the additional individuals killed by the Police?

03. Has the life of a single uninvolved individual been provably saved by these executions?

04. EXACTLY howmany British Police and organisations in collusion with Police have killed individuals in these United Kingdoms?

05. Howmany State enforcers have killed people in Britain?

06. Howmany State Enforcers have killed more than one individual?

07. EXACTLY howmany people have State Enforcers killed each - ie. howmany have killed One person, Two people, Three people, Four people, Five people etc.?

08. EXACTLY howmany firearms are available to Police/State Enforcers in Britain?

09. EXACTLY howmany individuals are allegedly trained and thus authorised potentially to kill as Civilian (Non Military) State Enforcers?

10. EXACTLY howmuch has been paid in compensation for Police/State Enforcer's killings?

I have listed 35 Individuals killed by the State Enforcement Forces - I am sure that I have NOT located every killing as there seems to be a deliberate effort by the State and State Enforcers to obfuscate the facts.

It is interesting that in resply to Patrick Nicholls MP The Home Secretary's office gave a written reply that The Home Secrataries Deparetment had no idea howmany firearms were in the hands of the police!!

Shot during a police drugs raid on his house in Sussex Ashley was unarmed, naked and with his girlfriend.
15 January 1998.
PROSECUTIONS: Officer who fired the shot found not guilty of murder or manslaughter.

Shot in Surrey after girlfriend told officers he was armed and was threatening to shoot her, or himself.

police shot him four times in the back in Brixton, south London. He had been holding a gun-shaped cigarette lighter to a man's head.
16 July 2001,
PROSECUTIONS: CPS found insufficient evidence to prosecute.

Shot in police ambush at village near Newcastle.

Former soldier was shot in West Yorkshireafter he threatened an officer with an air rifle.
September 2000

Shot waving a home-made shotgun in Derbyshire.

Wild West fan fired at police, but gun may have been replica.


Former unarmed robber on day release, killed in London in a stolen car, two shots to stomach!
February 1995
PROSECUTIONS: Officer tried and cleared of murder.

Shot in Bedford for breaking into his own home after losing his keys dressed as john wayne and aiming a replica Colt 45 at police.

Shot in Aylesbury after he confronted officers with a sword and shotgun

Known as ‘Teflon Bob’, a bouncer who has been suspected of being connected to M25 road rage killer Kenneth Noye, he was shot and killed by one of the officers responsible for the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes during an attempted raid on a building society in New Romney, but not before being tasered first.


Mentally ill farmer shot in Devon after police tried to investigate gunshot reports.

Psychiatric patient shot at a Co-op supermarket.

Schizophrenic with sword shot in Liverpool.

Bouncer from Greater Manchester was shot by police
10 September 2005.
PROSECUTIONS: No officers have been charged.

Shot in Falmouth, threatening police with an air rifle thought to be a shotgun.

Former mental patient shot at Heathrow after brandishing a blank pistol at police.
June 2003

Publican in Hertfordshire shot after he fired rifle at officers in siege at home.

shot running out of his house in Harrow firing at police.

Shot dead by police after being mistaken for a suicide bomber.
22 July 2005

Killed in Hull after brandishing a sword.
22 March 2005

Thief shot in Bedfordshire after being caught with a pistol in a stolen Jaguar.

Killed after taking his mother and girlfriend hostage in north London.

Unarmed IRA suspect shot in raid in west London.


Shot by police in south London. Failed to answer bail after arrest on arms offences.
12 May 2004

Shot by a police marksman after a baton gun failed to fire, in Cornwall
03 May 2004.

Shot in Edgware after bullets were fired into car of suspected drug dealers.
30 April 2005
PROSECUTIONS: None & no proper inquest!

Shot dead by police . Reported as having “a history of mental illness” and brandishing a ball bearing gun before being shot with “a single shot to the chest”. She died at the scene and was the “first woman in Britain to be shot dead deliberately by a police marksman”.
11 June 2007

Barrister, Stand off in Chelsea,
07 May 2008

Killed in Northumberland after he fired a gun as police broke up a disturbance.
16 July 2005

Shot by police for carrying a table leg!

Killed carrying pistol in north London.

Mentally ill, shot dead outside Guildford cathedral in stand off with police for having a BB Gun.
30 November 2008.

Jamaican shot in Bristol after defying police.

from the Swale area was shot by officers in Tumblefield Road, Stansted, shortly before 9am on Saturday,
29 December 2007.

Mervyn TUSSLER, 64
An old age pensioner alone in his flat in a luxury old peoples sheltered housing complex in Fernhurst, Sussex. Murdered by armed Police at 14.20hrs.
PROSECUTIONS: Not based on the normal cover up!

So that is a long series of Police Murders and it is probable that I have missed some.

More frightening is the fact that The Home Office have no record of fire arms held by the police.

The police are grossly over armed and there is no clear record of a police killing that has saved the life of ANYONE uninvolved in the incident at hand.

Greg L-W.

Monday, 6 April 2009



Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center
Office of Public Affairs
March 2007


An email falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins describing properties of cancer cells and suggesting prevention strategies has begun circulating the Internet. Johns Hopkins did not publish the email, entitled "Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins," nor do we endorse its contents. For more information about cancer, please read the information on our web site or visit the National Cancer Institute's web site at http://web.archive.org/web/20070504193914/http://www.cancer.gov

Another hoax email that has been circulating since 2004 regarding plastic containers, bottles, wrap claiming that heat releases dioxins which cause cancer also was not published by Johns Hopkins. More information.



Having major organ cancer myself (Kidney - left radical nephrectomy 2001, current Bladder Cancer) I do get annoyed with people who seek to exploit those fighting for their lives!

Whether it is sticking Goji Berries up your bottom, Apricot Kernels in your ear or for that matter Chemo the chances of a medicament or treatment CURING the cancer are all too limited but one wond3ers at the sanity of those who publish eMails like the one I have highlighted!

Greg L-W.

Sunday, 5 April 2009




This is a new, little effort, method of making a bit more money, which I have come across.

I thought YOU might be interested either for yourself, or a friend, OR perhaps for an organisation, Political Group, Party or Pressure Group.

Once you have joined up you will have a money earning shop of your own, but if you do not wish to join then you are welcome to take advantage of the products offered and the discounts etc. which are available via my shop:

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For more details you might like to read more.
More Information:

Clearly IF you decide to Join & have a shop of your own, you will be committing to nothing and exposed to absolutely no personal risk, which is nice!

Something for nothing?
Well not quite as if you just sign up as a member and do nothing you will be unlikely to grow your income or raise funds for your chosen cause.

IF you join and have your own shop you can start introducing your friends to exactly the opportunity you have taken advantage of and the more they do the more YOUR chosen cause is likely to make.

IF you click on the following URL (internet address) you can sign up NOW in just a couple of minutes and you can then start recruiting friends and members of your organisation within minutes.

I signed up my first member in just a matter of a few minutes and that was of immediate value for me – all at no cost beyond a few minutes of my time.

IF YOU want to get started on this money making scheme for YOUR Chosen Organisation just sign up now at NO RISK
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Once you have joined just send out a letter like this to your members, your friends and your contacts – the more you mail out the more people are likely to join and the more money you can raise for YOUR chosen organisation.

Be sure to encourage your members, on a regular basis, to sign up their friends and use your shop and the more often you follow up the more you can earn for YOUR chosen Group or Party.

Good luck and I hope you will do brilliantly and raise a steady income for your chosen Party or Organisation.

If I can help you, please do not hesitate to contact me, as I hope I have helped you already and hope to help you grow your shop and friends – The more you have the more you earn for YOUR Chosen Organisation!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62

Saturday, 4 April 2009




YOU may find this interesting – if a little disturbing.

I commend it to you as a matter worthy of consideration.

I DO NOT commend it to you with any kind of endorsement, but DO read the material and watch the videos which are freely available AT THE MOMENT.

Watch this as a starter:


Please send to all, far and wide

British Elite NWO Motivations You Should Know About

Date: Friday, 3-Apr-2009 13:31:33

JAH http://jahtruth.net/ has authored some of the most revealing historical accuracy found anywhere, though very politically un-correct to some cultists in high places.

Best regards, Bob Taft The Taft Ranch

----------- Recently, a man named Anthony John Hill was arrested and is now being corruptly and forcefully extradited to nazi-London where He will stand trial for the heinous crime of: sending a DVD to a courthouse.

Yes... Really.

Think I'm kidding? I wish; but the insanity doesn't stop there.

As with ALL governments, the British establishment has a long, extensive, and documented history of silencing and imprisoning people who had damaging information to the State's (evil) interests. Mr. Hill is their next target because of what He knows and what He is telling people and how irrefutably damaging it is to the corruption at the top.

First they tried to stone-wall Him, and when people were too hungry for His knowledge, THEY (the slime in ALL high positions) decided it would be best to arrest Him in order to try and force His silence. Obviously that didn't work, as His video, about what really happened with the London tube-train bomings, called "7/7 Ripple Effect", has had a huge upswing in interest.

If you have not seen it, you really need to, and like the good soul He is, John has had it put up on the internet for free-viewing on YouTube, GoogleVideo, and through http://mtrial.org/. Just do a search for it, or better yet, visit the link.

And that's just the very latest!

Please read the following very-well-hidden story/Truth that John has also dug up regarding the British monarch, headed by Elizabeth Mountbatten/Battenberg (also known by criminal aliases Windsor and QE2). I'll spoil it for you. She is NOT the real queen, and has been faking it for over 50 years, AND SHE KNOWS IT.

The Stone of Destiny and the end of the New World Order

(Also known as: The Lia Fail, Stone of Scone, Jacob’s Pillar/Pillow, David’s Throne, Bethel Stone, etc…)

Few people outside of Britain and Ireland have ever heard of The Stone of Destiny let alone the amazing 4,000 year history behind it. Even smaller numbers have ever stumbled across the Truth of the real Stone’s current state or location and why the covered-up facts and fake stones floating around are of such great importance in the now very near future. The ramifications of acting on this information could and will be astounding if people do so in mass..

Due to the fact that the full-length article on this topic is freely available for anyone that wants to get into the exacting details, this write-up will offer only a very brief summary of events. That said, this author very much advises anyone interested in this topic to visit the website where all the following is sourced from:
The Stone of Destiny:

The story begins in the land of Palestine at a place called Bethel with the Biblical patriarch Jacob (Genesis 28:11-22). The authentic Stone of Destiny is the stone/rock that Jacob used as a pillow when he dreamed of angels ascending and descending on a ladder between Heaven and Earth. When awaking from that dream, Jacob made a vow of allegiance to God and then took the stone he had used as a pillow and anointed it with oil as it would be from then on used as the throne that every subsequent God-sanctioned ruler of Israel would be crowned and sit upon. At that point it became the Throne of Israel, being kept and fiercely protected by all of Jacob’s heirs for thousands of years to come.

Flashing forward about 1,100 years after Jacob originally had his dream in a cave near Bethel, the Stone had made its way through all of Israel’s times of turmoil and Zedekiah was ruling upon it in Jerusalem. At that point, because of the obstinate ways of the Israelites and their refusal to keep The Covenant, God sent the Babylonian forces to attack and destroy the House of Judah (Israel) and leave all of Jerusalem in ruins.

During this siege and conquering, Jeremiah the Bible Prophet hid The Stone, along with The Ark of The Covenant and other Israelite relics until it was safe to whisk them away to safety. With these treasures in possession, Jeremiah also brought with him Zedekiah’s daughters, the youngest of which was Teia Tephi, who would be the continuation of the bloodline as God promised to king David centuries prior.

When escaping from Jerusalem, the royal party took The Stone and Ark and traveled to Tanis, Egypt where they stayed safely for a few years. Eventually, Jeremiah was warned by God that Tanis was no longer safe so he took Teia Tephi and the treasures towards Gibraltar, making brief stops along the way. After spending five months in Gibraltar, the group set off northward, stopping at Breogan in Spain and then eventually landing at Mara-Zion in Cornwall.

At that point, the ruler of Cornwall at the time was a man named Elatha who helped Jeremiah and Teia Tephi towards what would be their final destination—Ireland. Elatha sent messengers to the high king (Ard ri) of Ireland, notifying him of the situation and then a guard of 53 ships to ensure safe passage for Tephi and Jeremiah. Upon arrival, Tephi took The Stone with her to Tara where she and the high king, Eochaidh, gave their pledges of marriage over the Stone of Destiny, and Teia Tephi stood upon the Stone and was acknowledged queen of all Ireland.

Presently, in Ireland at the Hill of Tara, is one of the fake stones. It is an obscene phallic stone that foolish people have and are trying to pass off as the real Lia Fail (Gaelic for Stone of Destiny). Calling a phallic stone the Throne of Israel (and Christ) is like telling Christ to come and sit on a stone penis which has caused the Irish to be cursed by God for such an insult. However, that is only one of the fake “Lia Fail” stones presently in existence.

The real Lia Fail/Stone of Destiny stayed in Ireland at the Hill of Tara for over a thousand years after Teia Tephi brought it with her from Jerusalem in 583 B.C. and all the kings of Ireland were crowned on that real Stone, right up to Muircheartach (Murdoch) son of Earc.

In around 500 A.D. Fergus Mor Mac Earc, Muircheartach’s brother successfully invaded western Scotland and wanted to be crowned king of the (Scots) Irish who had migrated to Scotland on the real Stone of Destiny and his brother Muircheartach loaned the real Stone to him for that occasion.

Fergus was crowned first king of the Scots in Scotland upon the real Lia Fail in a region called Argyll in the Kilmartin valley of Scotland. From him proceeded forty kings of Scotland. The twelfth king, Evenus built a town which he named after himself called Evonium, now called Dunstaffnage, to which the real Stone was removed and the remainder of the forty kings were all crowned in Dunstaffnage, reigned there, and are buried there.

Eventually, Edward the 1st of England (Edward “Longshanks” in the film Braveheart) invaded Scotland and removed the real Stone to England in 1296 A.D. where he brought it to Westminster Abbey in London and all the kings of England right up to and including George the 6th were crowned on that real Stone of Destiny/Lia Fail.

Some Scots have always maintained that a fake Stone was handed over to Edward “Longshanks” by the Abbot of Scone, as he must have known in advance that Edward’s soldiers were coming to take the Stone from the Scots.

To make that long story much shorter, the ancient writings depict the other stone in question as looking different in shape and colour. Also, the real Stone of Destiny’s path to Scotland, and the history of the fake, or other coronation stone/throne known as the Scottish Regal Stone, do not match up, as they came at two different times, being brought by two different people by similar but nevertheless two different routes, which many historians have tried to lump together and which, like a square peg and a round hole, the facts of both do not fit together.

This has caused great confusion for the average person looking into the topic because both are similar in content, although the fact remains that they are two totally separate stories about two separate stones that were simply used for the same purpose by two separate branches of the same people and historians have mistakenly tried to jumble up both into one story. The real stone was taken by Edward to Westminster Abbey.

At this point it would be prudent to introduce the Biblical prophecy, located in the book of Ezekiel, about the movement of the true Stone of Destiny:

21:26 Thus saith the Lord "I AM"; Remove the diadem (sovereignty), and take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that is] low (Line of Zarah), and abase [him that is] high (Line of Pharez).

21:27 I will overturn (1), overturn (2), overturn (3), it: and it shall be no [more], [overturned] UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and (4) I will give it [him - Shiloh (see also Genesis 49 v 10)].

The first overturn of the Stone was from Jerusalem to Ireland. The second overturn was from Ireland to Scotland. The third overturn was from Scotland to England. The fourth overturn is as follows…

Early Christmas morning, 1950, a group of four student-aged Scottish nationals, removed the real Stone of Destiny/Lia Fail from Westminster Abbey and hurried it off to Scotland. The leader of the group, Ian Hamilton, states in his book, “The Taking of the Stone of Destiny”, that king George 6th had a “fear that the loss portended the end of his dynasty”, which of course it did. This removal of the authentic Stone of Destiny justly caused a big stir in England and the authorities immediately began searching for it.

In preparation for the Stone’s removal from London, the group of Scots practiced using a fake sandstone replica made by stone mason and sculptor, Bertie Gray. Then, after successfully removing the real Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey, Bertie Gray helped Ian Hamilton and another friend of theirs to place the fake sandstone duplicate, wrapped in a Scottish flag, on the high altar at Arbroath Abbey on the 11th of April, 1951.

They then notified the authorities that it could be found there, which they did the following day. The fake sandstone replica was then sent to London and Elizabeth 2 was later crowned upon it. Since Elizabeth 2 has never been crowned upon the real Stone of Destiny/Coronation Stone, she has never been and is not officially the queen of Britain (Israel) in the eyes of God.

When the fake stone was sent to London, George 6th must have seen it and known, as must his daughter Elizabeth, that the stone left at Arbroath Abbey was a fake, and Elizabeth must have known, from that, that she was cursed by God and never really crowned.

As further proof that Elizabeth knows she is a fake, once her dad George 6th died, Elizabeth Mountbatten (also known by the criminal aliases Windsor and QE2) delayed her coronation whilst desperately seeking and hoping to find the genuine Coronation Stone, but, when it was not found and she had to hold a coronation ceremony, she flatly refused to have the ceremony televised because she was afraid that people would see the fake stone, recognize it as being such, and realize she was a pretender to the Throne.

Due to popular-demand, Mrs. Mountbatten was forced to allow the ceremony to be televised, so she set a firm condition upon the BBC that there must be absolutely no close-up shots, and nothing shown at a closer distance than thirty feet, so that no-one would be able to see a close-up of the fake stone that she knew she was pretending to be crowned upon.

She must also have known of the prophecies, as did her great, great grandmother Queen Victoria, who said that if Christ came to take the Throne, she would immediately step down and give the throne it to its rightful owner, and everyone of them knew it down to George 6th. It is unthinkable that George 6th would not also have taught this to his children, that Christ would come one day and rightfully claim the British Throne (Throne of David and Israel), in fulfillment of prophecy.

Elizabeth 2 who is descended from the royal line of David from the tribe of Judah was then crowned on the fake stone in 1953, so, as above, she has never been crowned queen of Britain in the eyes of God; as God Himself prevented her from being, by having the Stone taken from her in fulfillment of the first half of the prophecy in Genesis chapter 49:10. All that now remains to fulfill the second half of that prophecy is for Christ to come and take His Rightful place on God’s Throne – Bethel – The Lia Fail – Stone of Destiny.

Elizabeth has absolutely no right to be the monarch, and she knew it to begin with and surely remains well aware of the situation—and it can be proven with the aforementioned indisputable and bulletproof evidence.

Hopefully everyone reading this article will realize how serious a matter this is as the fake British monarch is at the very top of the entire N.W.O. beast-system, according to ex-MI6 agent Dr. John Coleman in his book: “The Conspirators’ Hierarchy”, “The Committee of 300”. Taking down “queen” Elizabeth and the whole house of Windsor would be a huge victory for the good guy and a giant start and step towards destroying the entire satanic New World Order.

All that presently needs doing is informing people of the situation and asking them to make a lot of noise about it. The NWO thugs made a gigantic mistake in letting this information get out, and if taken advantage of, the resulting waves that could be made across the entire world would be immense. This is big news that must go viral. Please do your part in passing it on to everyone you know.

Study the information yourself and pass it as far and wide as possible so that we can start taking down the New World Order and reverse all the immense damage and suffering that it has caused.

This article is a summary of the detailed report located at:
I repeat - this is interesting and well reasoned material which I commend to you for YOUR analysis and decision. I find most of the Royalty & God bothering material less reliable than the bombing data, you may not!

Greg L-W.
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