#A05* - Blowing Away The Myths of GM Too!!!
The financial crisis could be the euro's death knell ... and even end the shambolic EU
& What would GM crops mean for British farmers?
Hear Canadian Farmer Percy
Schmeiser talk about the effect that
growing GM crops commercially is
having in his home country
Listen to Percy’s astonishing
experiences about the knock-on
effect of GM contamination, which
have gained him worldwide
Debate what GM crops could
mean for British farmers and the
right to choose food free of GM
Percy Schmeiser, Canadian farmer and recipient of the
Internationally recognised ‘Right to Livelihood Award’ 2007
For more information see www.percyschmeiser.com
Tour organised and supported by GM Free Cymru, GM Freeze,
Family Farms Association and Small Farms Association
See overleaf for venues
Percy Schmeiser Tour
2008 Venues
NORWICH Wednesday 22nd October, 7.30pm
Sports and Conference Centre, Easton College, Easton,
Norwich, Norfolk NR9 5DX.
Tel: 07958 793298
LINCOLN Thursday 23rd October, 7pm
Riseholme Conference Centre, University of Lincoln,
Riseholme Park, Riseholme, Lincoln LN2 2LG.
Tel: 07751 112303
DRIFFIELD Friday 24th October, 7pm
The Bell Hotel, Market Place, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 6AN.
Tel: 01482 862085
ABERYSTWYTH for FUW members ONLY. Monday 27th October, 2pm
IGER Centre, Plas Gogerddan, Aberystwyth SY23 3EB.
Tel: 07879 664 703
DORCHESTER Tuesday 28th October, 7pm
Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8PY.
Tel: 01258 861023
LONDONWednesday 29th October, 3.30pm
Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ. Space is limited.
To reserve your place please contact eve@gmfreeze.org or
phone 0845 217 8992
LONDONWednesday 29th October, Gaia Evening 6:30-10pm
Booking Essential. £10, includes drinks and light buffet from 6:30 at
18 Well Walk, Hampstead, NW3 1LD, followed by the talk in Burgh House.
phone 0207 428 0055 for details.
Percy will be accompanied by a scientist at a number of the venues listed
See www.gmfreecymru.org for further details about the tour.
I have removed promotional material from the details above for Friends of the Earth & Gaia Foundation as although I am opposed to GM Crops on the grounds of logic, science and democratic principles I consider Friends of the Earth & Gaia Foundation to be irresponsible, illogical, dishonest and corrupt in the promotion of junk science and dishonest propaganda unfounded on scientific facts with peer review in the field of Global Warming & Climate Change and their opposition to clean energy through Nuclear Power and their promotion of massively environmentally damaging concepts of power production such as Windmills etc.
Which have absolutely no grounding in factual science as standing any chance of providing mankinds needs.I uphold the efforts of Percy Schmeiser to oppose GM products and terminator seed concepts and the right of corporations and individuals to patent any part of the DNA of any living natural product or life form.
I deprecate his association with Global warmists and self promoting individuals and organisations exploiting fear and ignorance.
You may find the following article of interest:
QUOTE from..Dr Vincent Gray, a member of the UN IPCC Expert Reviewers Panel since its inception, calls for abolishing the IPCCExcerpt:
The whole process is a swindle, The IPCC from the beginning was given the licence to use whatever methods would be necessary to provide "evidence" that carbon dioxide increases are harming the climate, even if this involves manipulation of dubious data and using peoples' opinions instead of science to "prove" their case.
The disappearance of the IPCC in disgrace is not only desirable but inevitable. The reason is, that the world will slowly realise that the "predictions" emanating from the IPCC will not happen.
The absence of any "global warming" for the past eight years is just the beginning.
Sooner or later all of us will come to realise that this organisation, and the thinking behind it, is phony. Unfortunately severe economic damage is likely to be done by its influence before that happens.
I have been an "Expert Reviewer" for the IPCC right from the start and I have submitted a very large number of comments on their drafts. It has recently been revealed that I submitted 1,898 comments on the Final Draft of the current Report.
Over the period I have made an intensive study of the data and procedures used by IPCC contributors throughout their whole study range.
I have a large library of reprints, books and comments and have published many comments of my own in published papers, a book, and in my occasional newsletter, the current number being 157.
I began with a belief in scientific ethics, that scientists would answer queries honestly, that scientific argument would take place purely on the basis of facts, logic and established scientific and mathematical principles.Right from the beginning I have had difficulty with this procedure. Penetrating questions often ended without any answer.
Comments on the IPCC drafts were rejected without explanation, and attempts to pursue the matter were frustrated indefinitely.
Over the years, as I have learned more about the data and procedures of the IPCC I have found increasing opposition by them to providing explanations, until I have been forced to the conclusion that for significant parts of the work of the IPCC, the data collection and scientific methods employed are unsound.
Resistance to all efforts to try and discuss or rectify these problems has convinced me that normal scientific procedures are not only rejected by the IPCC, but that this practice is endemic, and was part of the organization from the very beginning.
I therefore consider that the IPCC is fundamentally corrupt. The only "reform" I could envisage, would be its abolition.The two main "scientific" claims of the IPCC are the claim that "the globe is warming" and "Increases in carbon dioxide emissions are responsible".
Evidence for both of these claims is fatally flawed.-----------------------------------The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is supposedly the last word on global warming.
Those who promote global warming hype declare IPCC reports to be peer reviewed science, and peer reviewed science to be infallible. On that basis, critics are attacked for putting themselves above the unquestionable word of science.But the IPCC is controlled by political hacks who reshape the science for their agenda.
There is no place in science for arbitrary authority—least of all a subject as complex as climate change.Alexander Cockburn, editor of Counterpunch, is a journalist who describes the position of the critics fairly well. He says, "To identify either the government-funded climate modellers or their political shock troops, the IPCC's panelists, with scientific rigor and objectivity is as unrealistic as detecting the same attributes in a craniologist financed by Lombroso studying a murderer's head in a nineteenth-century prison for the criminally insane."
http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn05122007.html Frauds always base their position on something which they claim to know but can't describe. You are supposed to trust them.Constructive persons always describe the evidence, or they don't say it. They expect each person to do his own evaluating.Why should a bunch of idiots who have never taken a science course in their lives tell people what to think about global warming?
Do they know something others don't know?
Hundreds of years ago, when there was a theocracy, and social structures were frivolous, a religious group tried to institutionalize the standard of secret knowledge and called it gnosticism. The use of secret knowledge didn't begin or end with them; it is the only way corrupt persons present a subject. They will not describe the specifics of evidence and logic, because the evidence and logic contradict their frauds.
is a constructive way to communicate and a destructive way to communicate.
Constructive persons always explain. Destructive persons never do. The difference is in personal moral standards.
You need to recognize the difference and demand explanations instead of trusting frauds. Has anyone ever explained a single point of the carbon dioxide fraud? They never do. Supposedly the IPCC has it figured out, and all you have to do is go along with their conclusions.
If it can't be explained; it is a fraud.
If it can't be explained; it is a fraud
Sounds a bit like the EU to me, which IS a fraud IT can’t be explained or justified either!.
The financial crisis could be the euro's death knell ... and even end the shambolic EUWOULDN’T THAT BE WONDERFUL!
NEVER forget in 1997 Gordon Brown and the claque of anti British crooks and useful idiots he and Blair surrounded themselves with took over responsibility for the British economy taking over balanced books – today 11 years later Britain is in debt to the tune of approaching £2 Trillion which if counted at one Pound per second would take 63,000 years to count YES Sixty Three Thousand Years!I
t is now probable that by 2010-12 Britain is likely to have uncheduled power outs due to the incompetence of the Government to implement a programme of building Nuclear power stations as the backbone of a clean fuel industry and building coal fired power stations and trash burner systems with chimney scrubbers – the ONLY way to provide sufficient power for survival alongside the omni present and readily available Oil supply which seems on EVERY scientific model, based on discovered resources so far, to be sufficient for mankind’s needs for over a century.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
electable!The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership& NEC is what gives
the r...
6 years ago
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