The aim of this blog is to accrue information that may be of help to you & links to other sites I have found of help, including sites run or managed by friends and associates.
Do send me a message of anything you feel would help.
Regards, Greg L-W.

Friday, 30 September 2011




all too readily people forget their recent history and permit propaganda and Aesopian language to start to write the next chapters of history!

Let us not forget that Gordon Brown aided by the gathered idiots in Blair's and his criminal cabinet are directly responsible for the financial mess Britain is currently in! Think how much worse it would have been had it not been for the one clear leader of the last 20 years.

With clear leadership, and let us face it there was no one else of note in The Referendum Party - it was the clear leadership of Sir James Goldsmith that forced the hand of Government and ensured Britain could not glibly be betrayed by entering the EUro with its totally predictable pending failure we see with the Default of Greece and for all its dishonest language Greece HAS defaulted!

The EU in a desperate move to try to deny its abject failure may call it 'Restructuring' or is the buzz word 'Rescheduling' - but I put it to you that if you had £100,000 on deposit with your bank and it blithely told you it had restructured its payments to you so that it would only pay you £50,000 and would need you to deposit more for them to pay you interest and they intended to print more cash thus devaluing the money to half its value and it would start repaying if it could at some time in the future after devaluation and you MIGHT get £25,000 in value eventually - I just have this feeling you would call that default - if not outright theft NOT 'restructuring'.

Inventing words to dishonestly misrepresent situations is an old and rather sordid trick - consider homosexuals who instead of admitting they are perverts insist on normal heterosexuals calling them 'gay' - What dishonest balderdash!

Just as calling the DEFAULT of Greece 'restructuring' - with an obscenely bloated public sector, a bit of tourism and absolutely no exports of consequence (well Feta Cheese and bulk olive oil for bottling overseas) Greece is BUST and has no choice but Default with absolutely no chance of survival within the EUro as with Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland - their only hope is charity and the only country able to provide that charity over the next 20 years, and it will take at least 20 years IF it works, is Germany.

The downside is clear - money that would have advanced the EU scam and might have helped towards growth will now be squandered on demeaning the default countries as they emerge to follow Greece.

The size of the debt and the piddly amount now on the table for the bail out is like the drunk peeing on a burning building to put out the fire - as the dawn rises over the ashes and the truth comes to light the building WILL have burned down but only dawn will show if the drunk fell in the fire and was consumed as the little hiss of steam as he urinated will be long forgotten.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE
British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar<  
General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com  

 Please Be Sure To
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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

#G0613* - Mr. Brown Went to Town & LOST US A FORTUNE!

#G0613* - Mr. Brown Went to Town & LOST US A FORTUNE!


clearly it is considered by the author of the article below that The EU made the biggest blunder but there were two far worse!

There was the blunder of Biblical proportions when in the process of inventing a new bronze age god it is claimed that 3 wise men visited his birth within days bearing gifte - Firstly there was little original about this birth as there are at least 20 births to virgins after visitation by so called angels or holy spirits giving rise to the birth of various gods long preceding the claims of Jesus and most of them were cruxified and rose from the dead after 3 days and had a connection with The Winter Equinox (now called christmas by some!).

To have been caught on this old story was far from the actions of a 'Wise' man! Further had they flogged off the Frankinsense and Myrrh and bought gold that together with the gift of gold could have been invested in the building society at base rate on an annually compounding basis and the gold they would have accrued for their own descendents would have now been a block the size of the moon!

Some wise men! In fact there is no record in the story as to what happened to the gift - in fact there is absolutely no contemporary record of either the birth or the existence of anyone called Jesus of any note and Christ was just a title meaning saviour - the Romans kept meticulous records!

Was he just the symbol of the end of the era of Taurus which mythology started with Moses and the destruction of the Golden Calf, and the start of the age of Pisces hence the fish sales logo the 12 fishermen as apostles and the new era which is now ending.

Just another myth introduced to control people using the previous myths of gods with their commandments and controls - when you consider the source of the 10 commandments as neing extracts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and 10 of the 12 commandments of Zoroaster.

As I said - Wise men!!!

Then we have Gordon Brown whose economic blunders were staggering starting with surrendering control of the economic levers to The Banks, clearly he lacked the ability to manage the sweety money in a school Tuck Shop! He then went on to sell off just over 400 metric tons of gold at the worst price he could get, by announcing sales in advance - he obtained rather less than $280 an ounce when we have seen gold at $1,926 an ounce and even now on a fall back position it is over $1,650.

Not content with this idiocy he clandestinely linked these United Kingdoms into propping up The EUro which was from the very start quite clearly nothing more than an accident looking for somewhere to happen!

Gordon Brown then disasterously failed to control the banks he was resoponsible for and authorised the buying of US Junk debt that even the US would not handle and thus Gordon Brown, largely through Northern Rock and his chums in Royal Bank of Scotland destroyed the economic base of Britain.

Even agreeing in the midst of this crisis to hand over control of Britain to the corrupt and malign EU through signature of The Lisbon Treaty and agreement to raise VAT to 20% - Some may remember Harold Wilson's infamous Labour speech about 'The Pound in your pocket ...' well we all know that was the start of Labour's destruction of the British economy - with Gordon Brown's last action meaning The Tenner in your pocket was only worth £8 as 20% was his new rate of EU Value Added Tax!

You will find the background to Labour's idiocy of interesting as it was written in April 2011 just a month before the British peoples resoundingly booted the crooks in Labour out of office!

The Worst Trade of All Time

PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mad Hedge Fund Trader   
Wednesday, 27 April 2011 13:20
Message :
Investors: Free Shale Oil Investment Report – The Shale revolution is
just getting started and we have prepared a free report which shows
3 stocks that could soon find their share prices soaring.
Click here for your Free report.

One of the great asset management blunders of all time has to be the
EC’s decision to sell its gold reserves in the wake of the launch of the
Euro in 1998. The decision led to the fairly rapid sale of 3,800 tons of
the yellow metal at an average price of $280/ounce, reaping about
$56 billion, according to the Financial Times.

Today with gold at $1,500/ounce, the stash would be $300 billion.
On top of this, the Swiss National Bank is poorer by $70 billion, after
offloading 1,550 tons of the barbaric relic. The large scale,
indiscriminate selling depressed gold prices in the early part of this
decade. It is a classic example of what happens when bureaucrats
take over the money management business, ditching the best
performing investment on the eve of a long term bull market.

The funds raised were largely placed in poorly performing national

Where did all that gold go? To hedge funds, gold bugs, and
inflationistas of many stripes, despite the fact that long dreaded
price appreciation never showed.  The good news for gold bugs is
that these reserves are largely drawn down now, and future
selling will trail off in the years ahead.

The shrinking supply can only be positive for prices.

Gold Price

By. Mad Hedge Fund Trader

John Thomas, The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
is one of today's most successful Hedge Fund Managers and
a 40 year veteran of the financial markets.
He has one of the best performing newsletters and has
just launched a new investment service for
Investors and Traders.
Click here for more information.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
of: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com  
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar<
Details & Links: http://GregLanceWatkins.Blogspot.com
General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com 
  Health Blog.: http://GregLW.blogspot.com 

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Monday, 26 September 2011

#G0612* - SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE - US - Labour & WikkiLeaks!

#G0612* - SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE - US - Labour & WikkiLeaks!

The version used by the Scotland Office.Image via Wikipedia

US embassy cable - 10LONDON126 (original version)


Origin:Embassy London
Created:2010-01-20 17:17:00
Redacted:This cable was redacted by Wikileaks. [Show redacted version] [Compare redacted and unredacted version]
DE RUEHLO #0126/01 0201717
P 201717Z JAN 10
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 LONDON 000126 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/12/2020 
REF: 09 LONDON 2500 
Classified By: DCM Richard LeBaron, reasons 1.4 (b/d). 
1. (SBU/NF) Summary and comment.  First Minister Alex Salmond 
and his Scottish Nationalist Party-led (SNP) minority 
government are unlikely to introduce an independence 
referendum bill in the Scottish Parliament in January, as 
previously planned.  According to well-placed sources, the 
SNP government's "referendum team" is now considering whether 
to go forward with the bill in February or March or whether 
to introduce the bill after Westminster elections conclude 
this spring.  The SNP-led government is up against a block of 
opposition parties which has thus far vowed to kill any 
referendum.  Given the tough political climate, the First 
Minister and his team are assessing their power to leverage 
the other parties into allowing the referendum bill to go 
forward this spring.  If the bill goes forward and makes it 
through the introductory stage, then a referendum vote in 
late 2010 is likely.  If the political climate proves too 
tough, First Minister Salmond and the SNP will not get their 
referendum vote and will likely continue to criticize 
opposition parties and their London-centric parent groups for 
continuing to undermine Scottish democracy and oppose the 
will of the Scottish electorate.  Recent polling data 
suggests that only one-third of Scots support independence, 
while approximately two-thirds support increased devolution. 
2. (C/NF) Salmond told the Ambassador in late 2009 that he 
does not have the support in the Scottish Parliament to pass 
a referendum bill.  This appears to still be the case. 
However, with elections on the horizon and an SNP promise to 
deliver a referendum in its first term, we see a couple of 
possible scenarios.  The SNP could introduce a bill calling 
for a referendum for Scotland's independence, knowing that it 
will be defeated.  By doing so, the SNP would keep its 
promise and build campaign rhetoric about Scotland's 
democracy being stifled, claiming opposition parties were 
preventing Scots from having the opportunity to choose. 
Alternatively, the SNP could introduce a bill for a 
referendum calling for increased devolved powers, which 
opposition parties would be under pressure to back because of 
broad public support for increasing the Scottish government's 
authorities.  End summary and comment. 
The Origins of the Referendum Bill 
and Scottish Opposition Response 
3. (SBU) When First Minister Alex Salmond and his Scottish 
National Party (SNP) came into power in 2007 with a one-vote 
majority, they vowed to advance a core campaign promise to 
hold a referendum on Scottish independence during their first 
term in office.  In response, Scottish opposition groups (who 
do not want an independent Scotland) supported the Scottish 
Parliament's creation of an independent committee in April 
2008 to review the implementation of Scottish devolution 
since 1998, which became the Calman Commission on Scottish 
Devolution.  In its final report released in late 2009, the 
Calman Commission recommended further devolved powers for 
Scotland, including a special Scottish income tax, 
ministerial powers to borrow funds for capital investments, 
and more negotiating powers for Scotland with the European 
4. (SBU/NF) Throughout 2009, UK Secretary of State for 
Scotland Jim Murphy played a leadership role in organizing 
the opposition parties, hoping to move Scotland toward 
implementation of the Calman recommendations as an 
alternative to an independence referendum, according to 
Murphy's advisors, Labour party insiders, and opposition 
party leaders.  First Minister Salmond's response to 
independence critics (such as Murphy) has been to accelerate 
the implementation of the Calman recommendations as soon as 
possible - "to call the bluff."  Some political pundits 
assess that opposition parties' inability to move on the 
report's recommendations has buoyed Salmond's case for a 
referendum.  According to this theory, Salmond could gain 
politically by putting forward -- and winning -- with a 
softer referendum question that calls for further devolved 
powers, including those recommended by the Calman Commission 
(which is often referred to as the "devolution max" option). 
5. (SBU/NF) Less controversial than full independence, 
"devolution max" enjoys broad public support.  Nevertheless 
publicly, the SNP and opposition parties all claim that they 
would like a straight up-or-down vote on Scottish 
independence, as both sides continue to claim popular support 
for their respective positions. However, both the opposition 
LONDON 00000126  002 OF 003 
and the SNP tell us privately that they would also support a 
referendum if the vote was only about further devolved 
powers, as long as the question was written in a politically 
neutral manner. 
5. (SBU) At the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 
September 2009, Scottish National Party (SNP) First Minister 
Alex Salmond introduced a motion to discuss a possible 
independence referendum.  The motion was roundly defeated. 
(Note: According to Scottish parliamentary experts, motions 
are considered "trial balloon discussions" of how a vote 
might be treated and are not formal. End note.) On November 
30, 2009, Salmond launched his Government's White Paper on 
Scottish Independence, with the intention to introduce a bill 
into the Scottish Parliament in January 2010.  If successful, 
the independence referendum would take place in autumn 2010. 
Over the past month, opposition parties (Labour, 
Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green) have played on the 
weaknesses of the minority SNP-led government in order to 
stall SNP plans to introduce a referendum bill in January and 
to marginalize the SNP's political ambitions heading into the 
UK elections, which must be held before June, where the SNP 
hopes to increase its number of seats in Westminster. 
Referendum Mechanics 
6. (U) If the bill passes in the Scottish Parliament and goes 
forward, the Scottish Parliament will appoint a special 
committee to take evidence from constitutional and other 
experts.  According to the team of government officials 
working on the referendum, once the bill is introduced, the 
government will naturally lose control of the process because 
it does not have enough votes to stack the special committee 
in the SNP's favor.  This is one of the reasons the SNP has 
opted not to introduce the bill in January as originally 
planned, they have intimated.  The Committee process could 
take up to three months.  Parties will then negotiate the 
language of the bill and the language of the referendum 
question itself.  Once the parties have agreed, the committee 
overseeing the process reports to the Scottish Parliament. 
The Scottish Parliament then debates the bill, makes 
revisions and conducts a full floor vote.  If the bill gets 
to the debate stage, it is likely to pass.  A simple majority 
is sufficient to pass the bill. 
Conservative - SNP Deal? 
7. (SBU/NF) The political jockeying around the Scottish 
independence referendum has created a climate of political 
intrigue in Scotland, with facts and rumors generally 
intertwined.  Since the Tories (historically weak in 
Scotland) allied themselves with the SNP in 2007 as part of 
the SNP-led minority government, SNP insiders and political 
pundits have suggested that the SNP struck a deal with the 
Tories whereby the Conservative Party would not obstruct a 
Scottish independence referendum vote in exchange for mutual 
support in Westminster and Holyrood elections.  Scottish Tory 
leader Annabel Goldie told the Edinburgh PO in November 2009: 
"While we are very opposed to Scotland leaving the Union, if 
the will of the Scottish people is for Independence, we won't 
stand in the way.  But we believe that the will is not 
there." Although the Scottish Tories are fundamentally 
opposed to Scottish independence, they do not oppose a vote 
as a matter of policy.  Whether the SNP-Tory deal exists 
remains in question, and any real effect it would have would 
be determined by how well the Conservatives fare in the 
Westminster polls.  In Westminster, Tory leader David Cameron 
has not made any clear pronouncements about the Conservatives 
Party position on an independence referendum for Scotland. 
8. (SBU) The Liberal Democrats (Lib Dem) have also moderated 
some of their statements on a referendum vote.  According to 
Scottish Lib Dem Leader, Tavish Scott, the Lib Dems are not 
opposed to a referendum vote, "provided the question isn't 
rigged by the SNP." National Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said 
during a recent political rally in Scotland that there is an 
"unspoken affinity of interest" between Salmond and Cameron, 
alleging that the SNP and Tories share a "hostility for the 
What Scots Think About 
Independence and Devolution 
9. (U) A poll published by the Center for Social Research on 
January 15, based on the responses of 1,482 individuals 
resident in Scotland interviewed in autumn 2009, indicates 
LONDON 00000126  003 OF 003 
that only one third of Scots support full independence. 
Another third say independence would make no difference to 
their lives, and the third tier say that it would have a 
negative effect.  Two-thirds, however, support increased 
devolution, as recommend by the Calman Commission report. 
Visit London's Classified Website: 
http://www.intelink.sgov.gov/wiki/Portal:Unit ed_Kingdom 
For the original of the leaked document CLICK HERE 
Follow my various blogs for many more eclectic and informative articles

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< 
General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com  

 Please Be Sure To
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Sunday, 25 September 2011

#G0611* - The Scots joined The Union because they were starving

#G0611* - The Scots joined The Union because they were starving


The Scots joined The Union because they were starving - that time was due to the failure of crops due to the eruption of Katla in Iceland.

This time it looks like it is likely that Scotland will be destroyed by its own self serving politicians manipulating a large under class of Scotland that believes and expects there is a future for Scotland living under direct rule and subsidy by the centralised and largely undemocratic EUropean Union which the more intelligent in Scotland will have realised is nothing more than a failed experiment – an arcane scam founded on greed and the self interest of a small clique of politicians and held together with a huge structure of bribes.

Whether directly ruled by The EU or in co-operation with the other members of these United Kingdoms who have supported and co-operated with Scotland on a partnership basis with the costs of Governance and defence shared and the peoples of Scotland assisted under The Barnet Formula to even out the difficulties in largely unproductive areas like Scotland and Wales.

A measure of the evil irresponsibility of the Lawyers, Bankers, Civil Servants & Politicians of Scotland is that they are willing to gamble and destroy the lives of Scots less fortunate than themselves, well aware that if it goes wrong for them as Politicians, Lawyers, Bankers etc. they can abandon Scotland as so many Scots have done in the past when work, food, income and the like dried up – You may well be aware that during The Napoleonic Wars the Island of Skye fielded 2,500 fully armed men – now if its entire popul;ation were to leave it could not make up such numbers.

The degree of Evil of the cartell of scheisters running Scotland are willing to put the gullible at risk in one of the most dangerous periods in history in economic terms. Do YOU really believe they have the moral right to risk the starvation their actions might bring for those less fortunate than them?

When you have listened to the clear and consise video you can save the text and check every detail for your own peace of mind.

Perhaps if you are a Scot and believe the propaganda that should read piece of mind!

One is forced to ask by what moral right these self serving, greedy fools can risk these United Kingdoms and the destruction of the Union just for their personal gain?

Exclusive: A war of independence: PM squares up to Salmond

Cameron orders ministers to campaign aggressively north of the border against the break-up of the union as panic hits Westminster
By Brian Brady, Whitehall Editor
Sunday, 25 September 2011

First Minister Alex SalmondImage via Wikipedia
The Coalition's ministers will target areas where Mr Salmond is seen to be vulnerable
David Cameron is to go head to head with Alex Salmond in a bitter battle over the future of the union between England and Scotland. The Government is to fight what it sees as "outrageous" claims and increasingly aggressive moves towards complete self-rule from the Scottish First Minister in a desperate attempt to stop Scotland from "sleepwalking into independence".
The Prime Minister has ordered an aggressive government attack on the SNP in the hope of raising the alarm in England and Scotland about the prospect of Scotland voting to split from the United Kingdom. He believes the First Minister has had an easy ride and not faced enough questions on how an independent Scotland would stay afloat – and bankroll its huge pensions and benefits bill without raising taxes.
The more "muscular" approach, agreed by the coalition's ruling "quad" of ministers, will target areas where Mr Salmond is seen to be vulnerable – notably on the economy and welfare.
The frantic switch follows widespread unrest among English MPs over the enhanced subsidies available to Scotland, which fund improved services including free personal care, university tuition and prescriptions, which are not available in England.
The gear change comes as Labour announces plans to beef up the position of its leader in Scotland, partly to face down the SNP resurgence.
One senior minister pledged yesterday that the Government would no longer be the "passive recipient" of proposals from the Scottish Executive, including the Budget presented by the SNP Finance Minister John Swinney last week.
Instead, coalition ministers including Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg will take on Mr Salmond in a series of visits and interviews in the coming months. Michael Moore, the Scotland Secretary, has already begun telling government departments to shape their pronouncements to spell out the advantages of the union to the Scottish public.
"We have all allowed Salmond to have it his own way for too long," one minister said yesterday.
The change in strategy betrays a growing frustration at the heart of Government that Mr Salmond has been allowed to dictate the debate over Scotland's destiny. His enduring popularity has made a vote for independence – or further devolution christened "devo max" – a real possibility at a referendum promised within the next four years.
The "quad" – Mr Cameron, the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, the Chancellor, George Osborne, and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander – have rejected a more positive campaign in favour of an aggressive response targeting Mr Salmond himself.
After a series of meetings with Mr Moore, they have pulled in ministers from across the Government and told them to join the effort to counteract the SNP message.
Mr Moore warned last week that an independent Scotland would risk a Greece-style economic collapse. He added: "When the economy changes we have bigger bills to pay on unemployment. Scotland would have to think how on earth that was done."
Ministers concede that UK parties had given Mr Salmond a free rein to present himself as the defender of Scotland's rights over several years, culminating in the SNP's victory at the Scottish elections in June.
A senior Scottish Lib Dem minister confessed last week that the party had missed the chance to rein in the SNP by refusing to form a coalition government when the Nationalists emerged as the biggest party, but without a majority, following the 2007 Holyrood elections.
Instead, Mr Salmond used the result as a platform to establish his party as a credible government for four years, and then to win an outright majority at the elections held in May this year.
The strategy presents the Prime Minister with a difficult balancing act, however, as it requires him to defend a settlement which has provoked hostility on both sides of the border.
A group of young Tory MPs has now called on Mr Cameron to end Scotland's subsidy and give Holyrood greater tax-raising powers – effectively forcing the nation to pay its way within the union. The gap between public spending and taxes raised in Scotland stood at £14bn in 2009-10, and the country receives subsidies amounting to almost 20 per cent more per head than in England.
John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, said the coalition parties had recognised the problem late, as the prospect of a referendum was remote. He added: "They are having difficulty putting forward their argument because no one can match up to Mr Salmond."
Nicola McEwen of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh said the Government "has a legitimacy problem in Scotland, being made up of the third and fourth-placed parties".
A spokesperson for Mr Salmond said yesterday: "Scotland's future will be decided by the people of Scotland – not by the Tory-Lib Dem 'quad' holding secret meetings in Downing Street.
"The people of Scotland have already spoken decisively this year, overwhelmingly backing the SNP government's positive vision of progress for the nation, and a recent poll shows independence has moved ahead of support for the status quo."
For the original of this article see:

Follow my various blogs for many more eclectic and informative articles

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE
British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
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#G0610* - Double Standards & The UN Example!!

#G0610* - Double Standards & The UN Example!!


This classifies as a criminal action and these 9 students are found guilty of a crime in an American Court


On the other hand this childish behaviour is seen as acceptable from Western leaders


One wonders what example is given to explain ethical concepts of Justice because this is clearly a shamefull lack of manners on the one hand and justice on the other!

These levels of double standards clearly bring the claims of justice into disrepute.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Regards, Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
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it is worth considering why Palestine has made4 application to The UN for Nation status this week.

Many years and many false promises and false dawns have been offered to the peoples of Palestine by the Zionist invaders - Again and again the Zionists have reneged on their promises just as they have reneged on UN agreements and Nuclear agreements.

It must never be forgotten that the invasion of Palestine was a product of Zionist terrorism - including the murder of forces trying to keep the peace, bombing of civilians as with the killings at The King David Hotel, massacres by the Zionist irregulars as in the Sabra and Shatila massacres, the slaughter of 34 men on The USS Liberty and injury of a further 170 - A terrorist force forcing decisions on others by terrorism and gratuitous brutality.

Little wonder that the dispossed and brutalised Palestinians have become more and more militant in their defence against such abuse by such massively over dominant persecutors.

Little wonder the peoples of Palestine seek recognition as a Nation by Ther UN when 127 Countries already recognize them and it is only seriously The Zionists and The USA who wish to denny them their fundamental human rights.

POPULATION 5.5 Million 11 million (7M refugees)
Overall Land Controlled91.7% 8.3%
Military Personnel 175,000 0
Reserves 500,000 0
Irregulars 10-15,000 3-5,000
Tanks 3,800 0
Artillery 1,500 large 0
Warships 20-30 0
Submarines 6 0
Combat aeroplanes 2,000 0
Nuclear weapons 300 0
GDP $195 billion $4 billion
Military expenditure $10 billion Negligible
Killed (over 63 years) 6,000 75,000
Wounded 20,000 300,000
Abducted/jailed 30 400,000
Homes demolished 0 50,000
Refugees created 0 6,000,000

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE
British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

#G0608* - The TIMES ATLAS Becomes A Propaganda Vehicle

#G0608* - The TIMES ATLAS Becomes A Propaganda Vehicle

Global warming and the twisting of our children's minds

Last updated at 4:42 PM on 21st September 2011

The Times Atlas Of The World, regularly updated since the Victorian age, proudly presents itself as ‘the most authoritative atlas in the world’. But its latest hefty edition, published at the eye-watering price of £150, has become the focus of a bizarre climate change row. 
The new atlas shows the ice in Greenland — the northern hemisphere’s largest ice cap — to be melting so fast that, since 1999, nearly a sixth of it has vanished. An area the size of Britain and Ireland combined, once covered in ice and snow, has now become ‘green and ice free’.

The publishers said the map revealed a whole new island off Greenland’s east coast, formerly viewed as part of the mainland — but which the vanishing ice has now shown to be quite separate. Local inhabitants have even celebrated the event by giving it an Inuit name meaning ‘Warming Island’.
But no sooner was this shocking evidence of global warming reported than voices throughout the scientific community began to question the atlas’s claims.
For a start, there is nothing new about ‘Warming Island’ — it was clearly shown on maps with this name more than 50 years ago, long before the global warming scare began. And nor is there any evidence that Greenland had in recent years lost 15 per cent of its ice.

The U.S. climate-change sceptic science blog Watts Up With That pointed out that one reason why satellite images might have shown such a huge ice-loss was that a lot of Greenland’s coastal ice sheet has been blackened by soot and volcanic ash, so that it no longer shows up white on photographs from space.


Richard Betts, head of Climate Impact at the UK Met Office — who actually wrote the part of the Times Atlas text which covers climate change — then insisted on another blog that he had not been responsible for ‘any of that Greenland rubbish’.
Glaciologist Dr Poul Christoffersen of the Scott Institute says the information is misleading
Glaciologist Dr Poul Christoffersen of the Scott Institute says the information is misleading

Britain’s leading polar ice experts at the Scott Polar Research Institute said recent satellite images of Greenland made clear that there are numerous glaciers and permanent ice cover where the Times Atlas shows ice-free conditions and the emergence of land. ‘There is to our knowledge no support for this claim in the published scientific literature,’ they said.
So one of the world’s most respected reference books, it seems, has been caught out perpetrating what amounts to yet more propaganda for the belief in global warming.
One of the most disturbing features of this is that copies of the new atlas may soon be found in school libraries, where it will be cited by teachers as yet more evidence that climate change is now dramatically changing the world we live in.

With active encouragement from the Government, whole generations of school-children have now had the apocalyptic threat of climate change pushed down their throats — not just in science classes, but in almost any subject you can think of (questions on the need to fight global warming have even cropped up in English GCSE papers).
In geography, the present curriculum no longer concentrates on countries, continents, rivers, mountains or cities. Instead, it insists that pupils should learn about global warming and climate change and the likely effects of rising sea levels.
When Education Secretary, David Miliband ordered copies of Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth be sent to every school in the country
When Education Secretary, David Miliband ordered copies of Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth be sent to every school in the country

The propaganda is all-encompassing. The Climate Change Schools Project, an outfit that exists in partnership with the Environment Agency and other government-funded bodies, promises on its website ‘to put global warming at the heart of the national curriculum . . . We want schools to become the "hub" of excellence in climate change teaching, learning and positive action in their local communities.’
When David Miliband was Labour’s education minister, he ordered that copies of Al Gore’s propaganda film An Inconvenient Truth should be sent to every school in the country. A High Court judge decided that the ‘apocalyptic vision’ of global warming presented in the film was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change.


Mr Justice Barton ruled that the film contained nine errors so serious that the schools must be issued with corrections.
The Government’s response was to compile a 77-page document so long that scarcely a single school in the country used it and no pupil was any the wiser.
And now the new Times Atlas can be added to the approved propaganda list, to ensure that once again school students are being fed with the right-on, politically correct message — even though in this case it has been so damningly challenged by real scientific experts.
In a wider perspective, this embarrassing blunder by a commercial publishing house might not seem anything like so significant as all those grievous errors identified last year in the latest report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the body that once prided itself as being the most prestigious source of authority on global warming in the world.
Propaganda: Fear that the new atlas will be used in schools as scaremongering evidence of global warming
Propaganda: Fear that the new atlas will be used in schools as scaremongering evidence of global warming

Few predictions of the IPCC’s 2007 report drew more attention, for instance, than its claims that, thanks to global warming, most of the Himalayan glaciers would have disappeared within 30 years; 40 per cent of the Amazon rainforest would similarly have vanished; while Africa could expect mass-famine as its crop yields were halved.
All these claims were eventually revealed as not to have been based on science at all. Like many others in that IPCC report, they were no more than reckless scare stories, dreamed up by environmental activists and pressure groups.

But the fact that responsible scientists who are by no means climate sceptics should have been so anxious to point out the errors in the Times Atlas is perhaps an indication that some of the lessons of those blunders by the IPCC have struck home.
The more responsible members of the ‘warmist’ scientific community seem now rather more on their guard than they were against the peddling of baseless scare stories to promote the case for global warming.
When so much now hangs on whether or not there is genuinely reliable evidence for man-made climate change, it is more vital than ever that the claims made to support that change are grounded in proper science.
Man-made climate change, or baseless scare stories to promote the case of global warming?
Man-made climate change, or baseless scare stories to promote the case of global warming?

The Climate Change Act passed by the Labour government in 2008 threatens to become the most expensive piece of legislation in history as we try to reduce our carbon emissions by 80 per cent, building all-but-useless windmills and trying to find carbon-free energy sources at an unimaginable cost of £18bn every year for the next 50 years.


Our politicians still believe this is the best way to fight the warming threat. But too much evidence has come to light in recent years to suggest that much of their belief in global warming may be little more than a vastly over-blown scare.
If there is cheer to be derived from this story of the Times Atlas error, it might be that the people quickest to knock it on the head were scientists who still believe in proper scientific evidence before trying to scare the world witless.
We’re going to need much more of that if the world — and our schoolchildren — are going to be returned to sanity on the matter of climate change.

To read the original article: CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

Greg L-W.
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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