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Regards, Greg L-W.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

#G0606* - Roger HELMER'S Blog Shows He Is Bereft of Support!

#G0606* - Roger HELMER'S Blog Shows He Is Bereft of Support!


here is a cature of Roger Helmer's weblog at 13:00hrs. 30-Aug-2011
See: http://rogerhelmermep.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/true-believers

True Believers
August 29, 2011, 7:46 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
It’s worth reading Garrison Keillor’s hilarious book “Lake Wobegone Days”, if only for the very perceptive chapter on the small protestant denomination in which he was raised. I recognise the scenario, as I was raised in a rather similar one. Such groups are riven with factionalism and schism. Each faction has some slightly different (but vital) alternative interpretation of Holy Writ, and the divisions become smaller and smaller, even within families, until you have the impression that each adherent is convinced that he is the only true believer, and that all the others are suspect one way or another.

Sadly, the Eurosceptic movement in Britain is rather similar. Too many eurosceptics spend their time sniping at each other, rather than turning their guns on the real enemy, which in this case is Brussels.

I was alerted by my indomitable press officer Neelam Cartmell to a web-site called Autonomous Mind, which appears to be of the UKIP persuasion, and has a host of contributors eager to attack Conservative Eurosceptics who clearly (in their terms) are not Eurosceptics at all, but part of a great Tory plot to burnish sceptical credentials whilst pursuing an integrationist policy. Autonomous Mind (AM), by the way, is said to “disdain Nigel Farage” — illustrating my point about factionalism and schism.

AM had published an “Open letter to Roger Helmer MEP”, which had attracted some angry comment. But at least Mr. AM invited me to respond — so I did. You may be amused by some of my replies.

Bellvue alleged that Roger Helman (sic) MEP was a cowardly shit. “I recognise neither the name Roger Helman, nor the appellation “cowardly shit”, so I think you must be engaged in a different conversation”.

Brian H asserted that all politicians were liars: “Unlike George Washington, I would not claim that I’d never told a lie. But I would say that I have never knowingly dissembled about any political question: indeed if you had followed my career you would know that I am in constant trouble for too much straight talking”.

David Phipps insisted we all knew that repatriation (of powers from Brussels) would never happen: I certainly don’t “know that repatriation will never happen”. There is a head of steam building up in the parliamentary party. It has been commented on by, amongst others, Tim Montgomerie, who has his ear to the ground. We now have the European Union Act which prescribes a referendum in specific circumstances. Those circumstances could arise with the proposed new arrangements for a euro-debt-union. I don’t think Cameron can move at this stage without upsetting the Coalition — and therefore the fiscal recovery plan. But he could do so before the next election.

Jeremy Poynton asks “Exactly who do you represent?”. I think you mean “whom”. I represent about 4.2 million people in the East Midlands, and I have been elected top of the list on three successive occasions — ‘99, ‘04, ‘09. I think my democratic legitimacy probably exceeds that of most correspondents to AM.

Patrick Harris asks why politicians don’t sue the European Commission for breaches of EU law: I think your answer is that there is no realistic hope that the European Court of Justice would ever hand down a ruling opposed to European integration. A court action would be a huge waste of time and money. But of course if you think you have a case — there’s nothing to stop you bringing an action.

Jones “Do you at least agree that commentators on this blog have a point?”: Indeed. Many of the commentators have a point. But I’m not sure that they have a strategy.

Uncle Badger rants: “Antipathy to the EU is rife …. If you are not willing to represent that view….”. What do you imagine I have been doing for the last twelve years? I’ve been expressing my antipathy to the EU in blogs, newsletters, Tweets, (@RogerHelmerMEP), web-sites; press releases, books, DVDs; on radio and TV; in the Conservative Party and in the European parliament! You might check your facts before sounding off. And you might note my earlier comments: too many Eurosceptics spend their time attacking each other, not attacking Brussels.

AM is said to disdain Nigel Farage: Sorry to hear that you regard Nigel Farage with disdain. I have a lot of time for him. A good guy.

John Payne argues that European integration in the Conservative Party is driven by the Whips: Interested by your theory that EU integration is driven by the Whips. Last time I checked, the Chief Whip was Patrick McLoughlin MP — he’s on my patch and I certainly don’t see him as a fifth column for Brussels.

Finally, they ask, why do some eurosceptics in Westminster occasionally appear to support some integrationist measures? Is it better to seek to move the Conservative Party in a Eurosceptic direction over time (which implies some compromise with Party policy), or to make one grand kamikaze gesture which rules you out of the action ever after, even though it gains the applause of Autonomous Mind?
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17 Comments so far
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Roger, the main point is we’ve heard it all before. We are past the point of repatriating powers. We don’t believe it anymore. We want out. It’s quite simple.
Comment by Sue August 29, 2011 @ 1:18 pm

[...] he has presented the exchanges of recent days on this blog to the readers of his blog. This is how Helmer introduces his reply to AM readers who left comments for him in the Open Letter thread: Sadly, the Eurosceptic movement [...]
Pingback by Roger Helmer dismisses criticism and covers for faux Tory Eurosceptics « Autonomous Mind August 29, 2011 @ 2:50 pm

Sir you show the true arrogance that we the populace have grown to hate, you do not answer points made but as usual use emotive language to dismiss us as a fringe element,
I am quite sure there are many politicos who would like to get t as strong a vote as there was for a poll held by You Gov in favour to get out of Europe.
I never hear from any of you in power that convinces me what if any benefits we get from this fradulent body that the money we give could not be spent better here, in rebuilding this country.
Comment by maureen gannon August 29, 2011 @ 3:20 pm

You criticise me — that’s OK. I reply — that’s “arrogant”. Seems I just can’t win — except in elections.
Comment by rjhmepRoger helmer MEP August 30, 2011 @ 5:52 am

Somebody has to win the lottery as well … and the outcome is about as relevant. But if the ability to stuff your pockets with public dosh, and crow about it is a test of arrogance, you just passed the test.
Comment by Richard North August 30, 2011 @ 9:02 am

Sue, if there really is going to be a withdraw isn’t it time to be offering up the argued alternative. My impression is that this fight isn’t as clear cut as you suggest. The democratic process supports the E.U. far more than you might hope. Roger certainly isn’t the enemy, the road blocks are real and cannot be circumvented by any amount of wishful thinking. Getting ourselves out of this euro-black-hole isn’t going to be an overnight velvet revolution, it is going to be a long hard grind.
Comment by Ross J Warren August 29, 2011 @ 3:53 pm

Ross, there will never be a right time to be offering a withdraw. Infact, the longer we leave this desperate situation, the less power and money we will have. I know Roger isn’t the enemy, I like Roger.

All we want is what we are entitled to. To be given a referendum. In or Out.

Anyone denying the British people that right, does not believe in the democratic process and any politician who advocates denying us that right, should not be in the British Government.
Comment by Sue August 29, 2011 @ 7:27 pm

Thanks Sue. As I have said many times, I too want an In/Out referendum, and have been a main supporter of the Better Off Out campaign, through the Freedom Association. But I should also welcome a referendum on any other EU issue, if only to demonstrate the strength of feeling out there.
Comment by rjhmepRoger helmer MEP August 30, 2011 @ 5:54 am

Mr Helmer, I hope you’re not implying that Eustice & Co are the way forward for the Conservative Party? How many more years would you have us listen to the opinions of focus groups, MEPs and MPs – each saying how much they dislike the EU construct, how it is anti-democratic, how it has undermined our national sovereignty? They seem to think that’s enough and it will keep people happy for a while. Well, it isn’t and it won’t.
Comment by Goodnight Vienna August 29, 2011 @ 3:57 pm

The trouble is, Helmer, there is no such thing as a Tory Eurosceptic … merely Judas goats to lead the gullible into more integration.
Comment by Richard North August 29, 2011 @ 4:52 pm

Sorry, Richard, but there is indeed such a thing as a Tory eurosceptic. Me, for example.
Comment by rjhmepRoger helmer MEP August 30, 2011 @ 5:55 am

A contradiction in terms … which makes you the classic Judas goat, leading the gullible into the Tory fold. You go all the way with the sheep behind you … only to peel away at the last minute.
Comment by Richard North August 30, 2011 @ 9:05 am


do you honestly believe your rhetoric and sales puff Helmer?

Richard is right.

Please tell us all of your actual achievements to extract these United Kingdoms from the malign grasp of The EU as a vassal region.

Minded of just how much in bribes and expenses you have achieved you do talk some total self serving venal twaddle!

But then again The Judas Goat is worth a great deal to the slaughter house.

Comment by Greg_L-W. August 30, 2011 @ 11:59 am

I have to say that your comments Roger reaffirm my belief that should the UK exit the EU it will be no thanks to the Tory Party.

I’ve fought our membership for over 25 years, and I’ve heard the same old tired words year in year out – “that the Tory party is eurosceptic, that voting Tory will help more eurosceptic MPs into Westminister etc etc”. All of it has proven to be completely untrue of course.

The Tories have been the most europhile party in history; they took us in on a lie (supported by Thatcher) passed the Single European Act, shadowed the ERM which led to the 90s recession, joined the ERM, passed the Maastricht, gave away our armed forces in the mid 90s to the EU and so on.

In my experience, when we get a Tory Government EU integration gets faster and goes further – a point you acknowledged yourself Roger:


Put simply the Tory party wants more EU – its actions prove this time and time again whatever their weasel words try to suggest otherwise. A vote for the Tories is a vote for more EU integration. And I want no part of it.
Comment by TheBoilingFrog August 29, 2011 @ 4:53 pm

The main point that Roger makes is actually spot on. We eurosceptics are a divide bunch, rather like those in the Life Of Brian – The Judean Front and the Front of Judea. If only a miracle would occur and we could be brought together into one strong organisation. Today we have several different petitions for a referendum on “In Or Out”. UKIP in particular is famous for the splits which have dogged it more or less from its inception. If all sceptics joined their local Conservative Party, they could have real influence. There are only two parties that can get us out of the EU, and of the two, I still think the Conservatives are the more likely.
Comment by Derek August 29, 2011 @ 8:20 pm

I think our main problem is that the term “eurosceptic” has no precise definition, although I have always taken it to mean someone who wants to leave the EU. As such, we have a situation where many people who call themselves eurosceptics are not … and have a different agenda.

If, however, the essential definition requires a determination to leave the EU, then membership of the Conservative Party is incompatible with being a eurosceptic.

Further, it is not wise to assume that withdrawal will be achieved through or by a political party. Most fundamental changes are driven by movements, outside the party political machinery, with the political parties reacting to outside pressure rather than initiating the changes.

As such, it is important that eurosceptics should not compromise by being members of any parties which, quite clearly, do not share their values.
Comment by Richard North August 29, 2011 @ 9:09 pm

Why should we have had to think about forming a party, I was niave, [along with many others] enough to believe Mr Chamelon, that we would be given a vote on any likely- hood of more sovereignty being lost, and yet we are not being given one on the transaction tax ,or the fact that the fraudelent body that rules us from Brussels wants an Integrated maritime policy, that England is being regionalised at the behest of europe via the ‘We are all in it together localism bill,
any of those should give us the promised referendum I admit to being duped , the man is slick of tongue much like the snake oil sellers in the wild west . well he won’t suck me in again and there are many like me .
Comment by maureen gannon August 29, 2011 @ 8:52 pm


the true looters are the very politicians who draw their huge bribes (the pretend it is a salary for work when they do none of consequence!), fiddle their expenses, defend their drinking chums when caught.

Look at the serried ranks of bloated over paid Local Government parasites, QUANGO chiefs and Government advisers (brothers in law etc.) and meeeja consultants.

These are the true looters OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN whilst yet more serried ranks of Judges, politicians, vicars, teachers, BBC staff, social service workers and the like who when convicted AND FOUND GUILTY of child abuse walk free!

Is the abuse of children nothing more than a perk of Government employment?

Even the likes of Roger Helmer might care to tell us all what actual achievements he has to his name as a Politician, in return for the many £Millions he has accepted as funding/bribes from the scam.

Comment by Greg_L-W. August 30, 2011 @ 3:59 am


this is of course the chap who defended Tom Wise and his criminality, publicly attacking me for my temerity in exposing the fraud and embezzling by his drinking chum. Just as did UKIP leadership in ever more dishonest terms – Nigel Farage even lied on TV to protect Tom Wise and himself.

Where does Patriotism enter into such self interest?

Some may remember when drinking in a pub in Belgium, with a young girl from The NoTW, that Roger Helmer was filmed seeking ways to have his home relocated in mapping terms so that he could claim even more expenses.

This may be the practice within the many globalist corporations for whom he worked prior to moving to politics!

He even admits to 3 terms as an MEP when we have seen not one inch of movement to the exit, but a great deal of self enrichment by the likes of Roger Helmer seemingly with his chums Farage, Tom Wise, Daniel Hannan – all too willing to act as The Judas Goat.

It is hard to differentiate between the levels of betrayal of the huge majority of our MPs and that of almost all of our MEPs and minded of how little they have achieved it is clearly a grossly overpaid job with absolutely no ethics and less integrity required.

Sad that so many lives have been given in defence of our liberty and a huge amount of faith has been placed in our MPs and MEPs who almost to a man seem to have betrayed these United Kingdoms.

The great tragedy is the huge amount of lives this will cost in the wars of disassociation that are increasingly inevitable because of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN

Comment by Greg_L-W. August 30, 2011 @ 4:06 am

Sorry Roger , Yes you do win but then you must admit there are more who do not vote than do, and winning a seat can often mean the area is traditional to a certain party,

I now feel disenfranchised and dissalusioned, I will still go to the voting booth as I know women died for me to do so, and not to be given the label apathetic which I am not, but it will be a spoilt paper untill politico’s learn not just to listen but to hear. what we are saying.
Comment by maureen gannon August 30, 2011 @ 9:21 am


Ms. Gannon is right but also overlooks the skills of The Judas Goat who can dupe the sheep to lead them into the slaughter house.

The goat is well rewarded for betraying the sheep.

We need only look at the proliferation of petitions to see how the Judas Goats will act to seek to undermine the efficacy of a petition on behalf of their real masters viz. Dan Hannan.Mark Glendenning’s copy cat petition when they couldn’t run the original one.

UKIP’s petition out of spite when Nikki Sinclaire’s was having such success.

UKIP launches petitions but has NEVER delivered save it seems money into the accounts of the few!

Now we have a Tory spoiler for the Tory BOO campaign!

The Tories like Labour will tell ANY lie to stay in place they even surrendered power to our competitors/enemies The EEC in return for the pretence of retaining power/income!

Westminster is nothing more than an EU QUANGO.

Like the directors of QUANGOs overpaid as part of the Kleptocracy and of no meaningful value.

The sickening lies of the politicians and their parasites in the pretence they work for us! What unmitigated balderdash!

But The Judas Goat is well rewarded as OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN

Comment by Greg_L-W. August 30, 2011 @ 11:54 am

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"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
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Friday, 26 August 2011

#G0605* - God Bothering In Perspective - Pat Condell

#G0605* - God Bothering In Perspective - Pat Condell


if you undertake to have the ethics and integrity not to insult my beliefs and certainties regarding God & Religion you have no need to understand how much I despise those who are such bigots they believe they have a right to inform me I am wrong based upon their superstitions, which due to religious freedom I believe they should be allowed to practice - but ONLY on condition they do not believe they have a right to force their idiotic views on me or others in complete disregard for my Religious Freedom to NOT believe their superstitions. .

I also largely share Pat Condell's view on this issue too:

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
of: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com  
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar<  
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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

#G0604* - IS THIS WHY the birds and bees are dying

#G0604* - IS THIS WHY the birds and bees are dying


The EPA knows, but they're not telling.

Just when you think you've seen it all,
ther corporate controlled government
amazes with the depths of its depraved

One of the most important news items
ever run.

Share this one please - widely. 

Will we ever see it in the mass media?

Well not unless we keep demanding real news and not pap, celebrities and propaganda!

Then look up 'Clothianidin'

Link it to Bayer who use it as a pesticide on canola and corn seed – well until it gets banned for killing bees etc.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, USA) lists 102 documents on this toxic chemical: CLICK HERE
Data 121081201009:49 AM
From Jay Feldman
To lisaP Jackson/DC/USEPAlUS@EPA
Subject Request Lener
Message Body
Full text of request letter from National Honey Bee Advisory Board,
American 8eekeep~ng Federation, American Honey Producers Association,
Beyond Pesticides. Pesticide Action Network No~h America, and Center for
Biological Diversity is attached.
Dear Admlnistrator Jackson:
In light of new revelations by your agency in a November 2, 2010 memorandum
that a core registration study for the insecticide clothianidin has been
downgraded to unacceptable for purposes of registration, we are writing to
request that you take urgent action to stOp the use of this toxic chemical.
Clothianidin 1S a widely used pesticide linked to a severe and da-~gerou8
decline in pollinator populations. As ~e are sure you appreciate, the
failure of the agency to provide adequate protection for pollinators under
its pesticide registration program creates an emergency with im~inent
hazards: Food production, public health and the environment are all
seriously threatened, and the collapse of the co~~ercial honeybee-keeping
industry would result in economic harm of the highest magnitude for U.S.
Best regards.
Jay Feldman
But it seems The EPA still permits Bayer to market and use this product despite the catastrophic effects on the environment!

Clothianidin – Registration Status and Related Information

Current as of February 18, 2011
Quick Resources

For the full document CLICK HERE

Either way 1,000 Redwings died of internal haemoraging in one town and 500 in another - 83,000 fish died in one river and 96% of all of 4 species of pollenating bees have been erradicated in America.
THINK how important Bees are
here they are being loaded in South Carolina
to Maine to pollenate
The Blueberry Crop for production.

The EPA have no clear answers but let us remember the list of Countries that have banned the use of this chemical! I wonder why!!!!

Howmany other useless QUANGOs and NGOs turn a blind eye to our destruction for 'expediency' - or might that be money!!

Think of Monsanto who I personally believe to be a corporation with no more morality than the many cigarrette companies who have lied and cheated to keep marketing their products long after they PROVED that they accounted for more deaths between them than Hitler, Stalin & Mau put together.

One is forced to wonder just what was behind the slaughter of so many in Libya by NATO as with Iraq we KNOW it was an attempt to restore The US Dollar as the reserve currency of choice for oil trading world wide, which was under threat by the deals Sadaam Hussein was making clandestinely with France!

Greg L-W.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar<  
Details & Links: http://GregLanceWatkins.Blogspot.com  
General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com  
Health Blog.: http://GregLW.blogspot.com  

 Please Be Sure To 
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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

#G0603* - LIBYA's GREAT Man Made River

#G0603* -  LIBYA's GREAT Man Made River


just why EXACTLY is NATO slaughtering Libyans and destroying their achievements?

No politician has yet given a clear and coherent explanation of EXACTLY why we are attacking Libya.

Who gains?

Do we seek a puppet government or just a tribal change and what moral right have we to impose this on a free and sovereign people AGAIN.

NATO involvement in this war they have escalated is an obscene and unlawful intervention founded on moral or ethical grounds, that any politician has presented - NONE!

The Man Made River

The 1st of September marks the anniversary of the opening of the major stage of Libya's Great Man-Made River Project. This incredibly huge and successful water scheme is virtually unknown in the West, yet it rivals and even surpasses all our greatest development projects. The leader of the so-called advanced countries, the United States of America cannot bring itself to acknowledge Libya's Great Man-Made River. The West refuses to recognize that a small country, with a population no more than four million, can construct anything so large without borrowing a single cent from the international banks.
Up until recently, Libya's supply of water came from underground aquifers or desalination plants on the coast. Water derived from desalination or aquifers near the coast was of poor quality and sometimes undrinkable. This problem also meant that little water was available to irrigate land for agriculture, which is vital in this largely desert country.

digger used to create the trench
In the 1960s during oil exploration deep in the southern Libyan desert, vast reservoirs of high quality water were discovered in the form of aquifers. The most important of these aquifers, or water bearing rock strata, were laid down during a geological time when the Mediterranean sea flowed southward to the foot of the Tibesti mountains, that are situated on Libya's border with Chad. During that period the Mediterranean sea frequently varied in level, as a result of which, various sedimentary deposits were formed.
Geological activity caused the up thrust of mountainous formations (Jabal Nefussa and Jabal Al Akhdar) and the associated downward movement formed natural underground basins. Between 38,000 and 10,000 years ago the climate of North Africa was temperate, during which time there was considerable rainfall in Libya. The excess rainfall infiltrated into porous sandstone and was trapped between layers, forming reservoirs of underground fresh-water.
In Libya there are four major underground basins, these being the Kufra basin, the Sirt basin, the Morzuk basin and the Hamada basin, the first three of which contain combined reserves of 35,000 cubic kilometres of water. These vast reserves offer almost unlimited amounts of water for the Libyan people.

one of the reservoirs
The people of Libya under the guidance of their leader, Colonel Muammar Al Qadhafi, initiated a series of scientific studies on the possibility of accessing this vast ocean of fresh water. Early consideration was given to developing new agricultural projects close to the sources of the water, in the desert. However, it was realized that on the scale required to provide products for self sufficiency, a very large infrastructure organization would be required. In addition to this, a major redistribution of the population from the coastal belt would be necessary. The alternative was to 'bring the water to the people'.
In October 1983, the Great Man-made River Authority was created and invested with the responsibility of taking water from the aquifers in the south, and conveying it by the most economical and practical means for use, predominantly for irrigation, in the Libyan coastal belt.
By 1996 the Great Man-Made River Project had reached one of its final stages, the gushing forth of sweet unpolluted water to the homes and gardens of the citizens of Libya's capital Tripoli. Louis Farrakhan, who took part in the opening ceremony of this important stage of the project, described the Great Man-Made River as "another miracle in the desert." Speaking at the inauguration ceremony to an audience that included Libyans and many foreign guests, Col. Qadhafi said the project "was the biggest answer to America... who accuse us of being concerned with terrorism."
The Great Man-Made River, as the largest water transport project ever undertaken, has been described as the "eighth wonder of the world". It carries more than five million cubic metres of water per day across the desert to coastal areas, vastly increasing the amount of arable land. The total cost of the huge project is expected to exceed $25 billion (US).

pipes on the way to extend the system
Consisting of a network of pipes buried underground to eliminate evaporation, four meters in diameter, the project extends for four thousand kilometres far deep into the desert. All material is locally engineered and manufactured. Underground water is pumped from 270 wells hundreds of meters deep into reservoirs that feed the network. The cost of one cubic meter of water equals 35 cents. The cubic meter of desalinized water is $3.75. Scientists estimate the amount of water to be equivalent to the flow of 200 years of water in the Nile River.
The goal of the Libyan Arab people, embodied in the Great Man-Made River project, is to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance, capable of producing adequate food and water to supply its own needs and to share with neighboring countries. In short, the River is literally Libya's 'meal ticket' to self-sufficiency.
Each pipe of the river project is buried in a trench approximately seven metres deep, excavation of which requires the removal of some 100,000 cubic metres of material each working day. Excavation is carried out by large hydraulic excavators fitted with 7.6 cubic metre buckets. Once the trench has been prepared, prestressed concrete cylinder pipes 7.5 metres long and weighing up to 80 tons are brought to the site using a fleet of some 128 specially designed transporters.

pipe being delivered
Pipes are placed in the trench using large cranes, capable of lifting up to 450 tons, and joined to the already laid pipe by pushing them into place with a bulldozer. The joint between the pipes is sealed using a rubber ring seal installed in a special groove on the end of the pipe and this joint itself sealed, both inside and outside the pipe, with cement grout. The trench is then backfilled, covering the pipe with a minimum of 2 metres of material and restoring the desert surface.
After backfilling, the pipe is adequately supported by the soil and can be hydrostatically tested. This requires the fitting of specially designed steel bulkheads at each end of the test section and filling of the line with water from wells drilled adjacent to the conveyance. Up to 8 kilometre lengths of the conveyance are tested at a time, and, after allowing adequate time for the concrete lining of the pipe to absorb water, the line is pressurised to test both the pipe and its joints.

large hydraulic excavator
The plant, equipment and logistical support for this project are also on a vast scale. Some 10,000 people and 4,500 pieces of equipment are employed on the work. Two thousand five hundred tons of cement per day are supplied by the Libyan Cement Company and hauled in a fleet of 127 cement tankers to the pipe plants at Brega and Sarir.
The Great Man-Made River Project is bringing water to the people and providing water for municipal, industrial and agricultural use. The strategy of the responsible Libyan authority is aimed at increasing both crop and livestock production to a level that achieves the highest possible rate of self-sufficiency and reduces dependence on imports from foreign markets to the lowest possible level. It also aims at increasing the productive capabilities of the labor force and of the capital investments in the sector, and at producing raw materials for food processing industries.

land of desert and camels
According to the writer Ali Baghdadi, "the river is a new lesson and an example in the struggle to achieve self-sufficiency, food security and true independence. No nation that depends on a foreign country to feed its people can be free. The Great River is a triumph against thirst and hunger. It is a defeat against ignorance and backwardness. It reflects the determination of Libyans to resist colonial pressure, to acquire technology, to develop, to improve their lives, and to control their own destiny in accordance with their own free will."
Text from New Dawn Magazine

To view the original article CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) 

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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To Spread The Facts World Wide


British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

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Saturday, 20 August 2011

#G602* - Has Our Government the Vaguest Clue?

#G602* - Has Our Government the Vaguest Clue?


when you are aware that the man in the street with a wit of common sense saw it coming - how come Her Majesty The Queen incredulously asked The British Prime Minister, the economically illiterate Gordon Brown 'Did none of you see this economic crisis coming?'

Well stop and think for a moment - Remember Gordon Brown is the economic illiterate who sold 400 metric tonnes of OUR Gold at around $250 an ounce when China had a buy order for 10,000 metric tonnes at almost any price to strengthen their currency and as a result Gold is being traded at $1,800 at the moment and realistically expected to double in price shortly.

Would you ask a fool like Gordon Brown a question about economics and expect an intelligent answer!

Now perhaps since Gordon Brown was one of Tony Blair's key cabinet ministers when Tony Blair lied to The Queen, The Parliament, The people and our alies to become embroilled in the crimes against humanity and war crimes in the unlawful slaughter of people in Iraq and the ignominious retreat by The British Forces when they were kicked out of Bazra to skulk at Basra Airport until saved by leaving.

Perhaps these individuals can tell us all what the hell was the vision, the strategy or the tactics meant to be in Afghanistan?

Perhaps one of our Generals could tell us since they seem to be achieving the sum total of nothing of value as they serve time until they get their pensions and then betray our troops by THEN speaking out like that creep Jackson or getting themselves hugely over paid jobs with defence contractors as do many in The MoD or merely making the right political noises to get booted into The House of Lords as perpetual pundits of no value to man or beast.

OK so what have we achieved in Afghanistan and when will we be booted out in ignominy having never controlled much beyond the area of a postage stamp in that vaste wilderness at a cost of a fortune but more importantly as a result of murdering many young British lives which is all the politicians have achieved so far!

For those of a stronger disposition perhaps you would care to consider this CLICK HERE

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Greg L-W.
for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
of: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com  
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar<  
Details & Links: http://GregLanceWatkins.Blogspot.com  
General Stuff: http://gl-w.blogspot.com  
Health Blog.: http://GregLW.blogspot.com  

 Please Be Sure To .Follow Greg_LW on Twitter. Re-TWEET my Twitterings
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To Spread The Facts World Wide
To Leave-The-EU
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#G0601* - Mayor Nutter of Philly Lays It On The Bruvver!

#G0601* - Mayor Nutter of Philly Lays It On The Bruvver!


Mayor Michael A. Nutter's Message to Philadelphia's idiot youth culture of failures & fools.

Make sure your friends see this - just forward the URL:

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Regards, Greg L-W. for all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years. The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.
Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
or Write on YOUR ballot Paper 
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#G0600* - The Economy Politically Past, Present & Future

#G0600* - The Economy Politically Past, Present & Future


in a discussion regarding the current political and economic situation in Britain it is worth remembering as we approach the last 1/3rd. of August that since the start of this month, due in part to the fact that the British Government has lacked the competence or courage to announce it is no longer prepared to make any efforts to bail out the Countries that sequentially fall into the black hole created by the near total failure of The EUro.

It is worthy of note that the economy has collapsed by around 15% in that time being a sum of around £200 Billion.

How long can we sustain such catastrophic outcomes of the mess left to this Government without taking radical and remedial action - without which it can not be very long hence before the burnt out core of our society as a member of the ravening hoard will be the ONLY chance of feeding - think Mogadishu, Famine & Somalia.

Also we must announce the fact that for survival purposes Britain is closing its borders to the ingress of aliens via The EU and will be steadily reducing its population by repatriating those aliens that were forced upon us as a result of our misguided membership of The EUropean Union.

Our Government should also announce we shall be repatriating all aliens to the EU who are existing on benefits and subsidies and will be billing Countries of origin for all aliens in British prisons and repatriating their families for the care of their native Country until their prison relative has completed their sentence and is likewise repatriated.

Naturally those who are home owners, speak English and are in gainfull employment will after 5 years of such status be entitled to make application to remain.

The British Government should also announce it will be negotiating to repatriate ALL aspects of its Sovereign Independent Democracy, regulation and control of its own borders, agriculture, economy and fisheries.

Similarly it should be announced that Regional Local Government be  it regions such as East Anglia, The South West, Wales, London, The West Midlands or Scotland shal have equal rights over local issues and as much of central Government function will be decentralised with each region bidding on a tender basis to take on the functions of central Government to thus decentralise the residual jobs and duties.

The Government should make it very clear that it will no longer contribute to or be party to any political or regulatory functions of The EU nor continue to pay £48 Million a day for membership of this malign, self serving and damaging centralisation of power and incompetence.

We should announce we are willing to trade with any and all Nations on the planet on an even footing entering into such trade agreements as we see fit, proper and of benefit to these United Kingdoms on terms subject to individual negotiation through our Embassies and will willingly offer preferential terms to those states which wish to make application as members of The Anglosphere to include The Commonwealth of Nations.

Together with a 50% reduction in the size of The British Government and closure of ALL QUANGOs it will of course expose the fact that the Tories inherited an unemployment figure of somewhere between 5 and 8 Million though many were well hidden in the Kleptocratic QUANGOcracy that has been cleverly contrived to seek to hide the fact that many had no meaningful job and also thereby hopefully secure a salary vote in gratitude.

Unsurprisingly the people in the main saw through the scam and resoundingly rejected Labour's economic illiteracy and fundamental treachery. Save a small army dependent on such charity handouts and unable to face the harsh reality that their persuit of comfort and security without meaningfull responsibility commensurate has rendered them or will shortly render them unemployed.

The deportation of aliens may well suffice to provide real jobs for the work shy who were hidden in Government, nationalised industries and QUANGOs.

Interestingly one contributor to a Forum on which I post said:
Stop passing the buck and blaming other people for the incompitence of tory governments. Perhaps you'd like to open a discussion about the *CUT* storm that Labour inherited in 1974 and 1997?
I felt it reasonable to respond as follows:

Would that be the fact that Labour stated when they had sight of the books having been elected in 1997 that the economic base they had inherited was so sound that they had absolutely no intention of altering anything for at least a couple of years.

Would that be the fact that the economic illiterate Gordon Brown sold 400 metric tonnes of gold for about $250 an ounce when it is currently selling for ober £1,800 an ounce.

Would this be the fact that when The labour Party sold its old Headquarters by use of a loophole in the law they were responsible for they ripped off the public purse by many 10s of £1,000s by not paying the stamp duty you and I would have had to pay.

Would this be the fact that around £270 Million just went walk about unaccountably from the funding of the Dome which seemed to have vanished to family and friends.

Would this be the fact that largely due to deals with their chums the Mittal family and Tatta Britain no longer has a steel industry?

Would this be the fact that having taken over balanced books praised by Labour in 1997 due to their utter economic illiteracy they handed on, when resoundingly voted out of office debts of £4.8 Trillion.

Would this be the fact that when the present Government took over authority they found Labour had left them with a daily interest payment of £120 Million.

Would this be the fact that during the period of the general election when Labour was chucked out they had already agreed to a VAT hike to 20% and the undertaking that by July Britain would announce when it was to be introduced!

Would this be the fact that during the period between being chucked out and the new government taking over Labour utterly dishonestly agreed a deal with their communist friends in The EU that Britain would participate in the bail out of the failed EUro currency which Labour had already spent £Billions propping up.

Would this be the fact that during the labour Government almost 800,000 extra parasites were recruited into Government either as Snivil Cervants or QUANGOs in an attempt to buy a salary vote to keep Labour's snout in the trough enriching their leadership.

Would this be the fact that from 1997 during those 13 unlucky years of Labour economic illiteracy more public assets were transfered to the private sector than at any time other than during WWII.

Would this be the fact that more Hospitals were sold off to the private sector during those 13 unlucky years than between 1946 when Lord Beverridge's plan for an NHS was clumsily put in place by a Labour champagne socialist with a card carrying Communist wife and 1997.

I wonder which of this brief list of the facts you would wish to discount to try to pretend that in some way the Tory Party - idiots that they may well be - are in some way responsible for the steadily collapsing value of our currency, the loss of our Manufacturing industry, the demise of the value of The City, the collapse of banking and house prices under Labour, the crass support for the banks etc. etc. - It is beyond doubt that the economic illiteracy of buffoons like Gordon Brown, Ed Balls, Alistair Darling and their ilk.

Damage that was only matched by the staggering incompetence of first MAFF then DEFRA in their handling of the foot and mouth virus for the EU, the handling of lamb exports to france, the handling of BSE, the handling of the government subsidies to help transfer Heckler & Koch to Turket, Rover etc. to Germany, French subsidies to its own aircraft industry, airlines, car industry and transport. The idiocy of the likes of Harriet Dromey (Harman) and her divisive stupidity, the criminality of Peter Haine never seriously brought to book, the lies and treachery of Ron davis, the crimes against humanity and war crimes of Blair and his cabinet.

Just which bit would you wish to claim was in some way caused by The Tories?

Lets not even look at the utter stupidity and corruption of the mikey mouse regional de4volution that has led to Scotland and Wales being no more than one of the 12 regions of Britain that are directly ruled by The EU - Devolution under Labour was an obscene and unscrupulous con.

Perhaps you could explain what it was you tried to present as a 'Perhaps you'd like to open a discussion about the *CUT* storm that Labour inherited in 1974 and 1997?'

It matters not how many threads you present your threadbare arguments on this particular issue in you clearly have little comprehension of the realities of economics on planet earth!


"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

For all my contact details & Blogs: CLICK HERE  

British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit of their own agenda and greed, have done more damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.

The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain more than the armies of Hitler and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.

Make your vote count vote:
INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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